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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 316

Chapter 316

Olivia broke free from John’s embrace. “Start cooking. lan will be hungry soon.”

John hugged her even tighter and got close to her ears to say in a low voice, “Why don’t you make some vegetable stew?

“You don’t like celery.”

“I do now.”

Olivia was a little speechless. She had no idea why he was so obsessed with vegetable stew and insisting she make something now that he never ate back then. Then again, she did not want to pester him about such small matters. She nodded in agreement since she had already bought the ingredients. “Alright. I’ll cook it for you.” He let go of her and continued washing the vegetables in the kitchen.

‘Why did his palate suddenly change?’

‘Is it because of Dorothy?’

Olivia felt uncomfortable. Every breath she took was as painful as a needle prick.

She could never understand why their love was so fragile. Was it because they had started loving each other too impulsively back then?

No matter what, the past would continue to be the past, and it would be pointless to dwell on it.

She then shook her head and continued cooking the beef.

lan came downstairs when they only had the stew left to finish.

He stood at the kitchen door and stared at the two busy people with a slight curve by the corner of his lips. “Can we eat yet? I’m hungry.”

Olivia nodded a few times and smiled. “We’ll be done in a bit.”

She immediately pushed John. “Get the dishes out there, take the rice, and start eating with lan first.”

John agreed and brought the dishes out.

Olivia finished cooking the stew not long after.

Just as she was about to carry it out, John suddenly got up and walked in. “Let me do it.”

He then carried it out.

Olivia was taken aback, and she had mixed emotions.

Suddenly, John put the bowl down and turned around to pinch her cold earlobe with his hot finger. He asked, “Is it hot?”

At that moment, Olivia’s heart trembled as if it had traveled back to the past. She nearly hugged him.


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