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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 320

Chapter 320

Olivia froze to the spot. She wanted to push the man away, but he seemed to be thousands of pounds, and she could not move him at all.

“John, you’re drunk.”

John suddenly hugged her tightly and used his chin to caress her forehead. “I’m not drunk, Liv. I’m sober.”

“You wouldn’t be calling me Liv if you were sober.”

“Liv.” John lifted her face and smiled at her. “What should I call besides Liv? My dear wife?”

‘He’s drunk!

‘Beyond drunk!’

However, she was inexplicably happy because this man was similar to the John who loved her back then.

Time seemed to wind back to the past all of a sudden.

Suddenly, the man’s cold lips landed on hers, and the two entangled and lingered against each other, leaving her short of breath.

The two kissed and slowly moved backward.

They reached the side of the bed. John pinned her down and continued kissing her from on top.

The scene of her falling off the building suddenly played in Olivia’s mind, and she immediately woke up from her daze and pushed him away.

“John, wake up!”

She should not crave his fake gentleness nor fall for it.

“We cannot go back to how it used to be. I hate you!”

John sat on the bed, pulled her into his arms, and hugged her tightly while murmuring, “Fine. I won’t kiss you, but let’s cuddle into sleep, okay?”

She wanted to push him away, but at the same time, she yearned for the warmth of

his arms.

In the end, she let him carry her to bed

He actually did not touch her anymore and just hugged her gently. He also placed his chin on her head, occasionally rubbing it.

However, now that she was thinking clearly, all the painful memories gushed back into her mind, tearing her heart apart once again.

She covered her face and cried silently.

‘Johnny, why are you still baiting me?’


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