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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 322

Chapter 322

That night, Olivia dozed off gradually.

She dreamed about John.

They argued in the dream, and it ended with John strangling her and threatening her until she broke out in a sweat.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of a baby crying.

Tears rolled down her cheeks.

‘Baby? I still have my baby?’

Olivia shot up from the bed. Then, she realized that it was all a dream and that the baby’s crying was just someone passing by the corridor with a baby in their arms.

“Sis Liv, come and have breakfast.”

Zyla walked in with a bag of food. Olivia asked, “You just went out to buy that?”

Usually, Ken would send them breakfast, and the cutlery they got was exquisite.

Zyla put the plastic bag on the tiny table in the ward and sneered. “I lose my appetite when I look at the food that b*stard brings, so I went out and bought some bread.”

With that, she pushed the lunch box in her other hand to Olivia. “Fred gave this to you.”

“What did he say?” Olivia asked.

“What else could he have said? Just his usual.”

Suddenly, Zyla leaned over and smiled. “Sis Liv, I think dating a younger man would also be nice, and he looks loyal.”

Olivia rolled her eyes. “Zy, I haven’t gotten divorced yet. Moreover, Fred’s intentions are simple. He’s trying to repay my kindness. That’s all.”

Zyla stuck out her tongue. Then, she ate the bread she bought.

After the ladies had their breakfast, Dr. Zucker came.

“Ms. Larson, your latest results are out.”

He looked at her apologetically. “Your condition is not suitable for surgery rigt now. I suggest you recuperate for a few months. So, if you feel alright, I can discharge you, but you must rest well.”

Olivia smiled and nodded. “Okay. Thank you, Dr. Zucker.”


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