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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 338

Chapter 338

She tried to call but could not get through.

Olivia had to hang up and call again, but still no answer.

It made Olivia panic. Her hair stuck on her forehead with sweat, and her little face reddened, making her look angry.

“What do you have to do with lan Larson, Miss? Do you not know what class he’s in?”

Olivia bit her lip and apologized while on the phone. “I’m sorry. I’m his sister. We haven’t seen each other for two years.”

The security guard glanced dismissively at her. “You haven’t met for two years. I doubt your identity.”

Just then, the call finally came through.

“What’s the matter?”

“John, what year and class is lan in? Can you tell his homeroom teacher that I’m at the entrance, and the security guard won’t let me in?”

Hearing Olivia’s anxious voice, John was secretly happy. He smiled and said, “Call me Darling and beg me.”

Olivia froze as if she had heard him wrong. “What did you say?”

There was a silence on the other end of the line as if hinting at her. ‘You heard me.

Stop pretending.’

She bit her lip for a moment. “Does it have to be this way?”

When they were lovey-dovey two years ago, she would hold his arm and call him Darling” every time she was affectionate.

Strangely enough, he happily agreed to everything as soon as she called him “Darling “.

However, the word she had not uttered for almost two years had become a mouthful.

“I’ll hang up if you’re not going to speak.”

The man on the other end of the line urged her relentlessly.

Olivia tugged at the corners of her mouth, gritted her teeth, and shouted bitterly,” Dar… Darling, help me.”

John smiled slightly, but his voice remained cold. “You failed. Try again.”

He liked feeling wanted by her.


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