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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 344

Chapter 344

Olivia dried her tears and went to the bed to change the sheets, only to find they were clean.

She looked around again and saw that everything was spotless.

Who cleaned it?

The last time she was here, it was dusty.

When she went to the shelf, she noticed the diary was missing.

Did John take it?

However, on second thought, so what if he did?

She had taken the photo, so he would not be able to guess who she was writing

about. Even if he did, it was in the past and would not matter.

Feeling a tingle in her heart, she murmured with a bitter smile, “Does it not matter?”

Turning off the light, she went to bed and curled up under the covers.

The room was so familiar yet strange that it made her nervous and happy.

It turned out this was what it felt like to lose and find again.

It was unknown because the bed was familiar or she was tired. She quickly fell asleep.

However, she suddenly felt someone hug her from behind in the middle of the night.

The warm breath tickled her neck, making her wince and scratch her neck.

“It tickles.”

The man behind her moved and took her in his arms. His chin rested on top of her head.,

The breathing ceased, but the powerful beating of their heart woke her up after all.

Olivia reacted and scrambled out of bed. “John, what are you doing?”

The man pulled her back, his thin lips pressed against her ear, crooning, “Be good. I’m just holding you to sleep.”

Perhaps because of the darkness, Olivia felt at ease to be held by him that she did not object and fell asleep.

The next morning.

Olivia woke up to birds chirping and opened her eyes to see the morning light falling on her bed. It was warm and sunny.

She rubbed her eyes, checked the time, and decided to make lan breakfast.


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