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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 347

Chapter 347

“Olivia, you’re too soft.”

Ken said as he applied medicine for her, “You don’t need to be nice to someone like that.”

When he was done, he frowned slightly. “If you think the Larson family has lost its influence, mention my name, and see who dares to make a move.”

Olivia chuckled. “Ken, thank you.”

She walked over to the mirror and covered the injury on her face with her hair. “I want to know if Zayn’s hurt. If he is, lan’s at fault.

“But if the injuries are fake, I’ll let it go.”

After lan transferred to another school, no one would know him.

Besides, the Larson family and the Yeager family did not know each other. There was no preexisting bad blood.

Why would Zayn suddenly blame lan for this?

Olivia frowned. She thought it must have something to do with Mrs. Yeager. She was targeting lan.

“Liv, I can help you tell if he’s injured.”

With that said, he walked up to her and sighed. “Olivia, you can reach out to other people sometimes. lan’s my brother too. You’re not alone.”

Zac had said that before, and it melted Olivia’s heart.

“Thank you.”

When she reached the door, Olivia turned her head and asked with a smile, “Ken, be honest. Are you trying to pursue Zy?”

Ken was drinking water. He choked and coughed when he heard this.

“What… What are you talking about? I’m not.”

When his ears turned red, Olivia knew she was right.

“Ken, as long as you don’t do her wrong, I’m all for it. Zy needs someone to take care of her too.”

She did not want Zy to die alone after she died.

Ken sensed something was wrong with her. “Where are you going? Let me take you


“No thanks. I’ll leave you to your business. Just look into Zayn for me.”

With that said, Olivia opened the door and left.


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