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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 37

Chapter 37

John stood by the window with his back leaning against the door and one hand in his pocket. Olivia could feel the cold aura around him even if she could not see his


Olivia patted Zac, asking him to put her down. Then, she leaned against the door and took a deep breath before shouting, “What else do you want to know, Johnny?”

Her voice trembled. She was afraid.

Zac felt sorry for her, even though he did not know exactly why. Olivia must have faced similar situations.

countless times before.

John turned around and stared at her coldly. He sneered and said, “Olivia, I thought you would learn your lesson after getting seriously injured, but you’ve disappointed me.”

Olivia held onto Zac’s arm as she limped into the ward.

Watching John approaching her, she held her breath and waited for the ‘punishment’ he would give her.

However, the man did not lay a finger on her this time. Instead, he dragged Zac out of the ward with him.

With her support gone, Olivia stumbled. Fortunately, the bed was in front of her, so she did not fall.

She watched John drag Zac out of the room. The door

closed behind them. The only person left in the ward was her, and she frowned.

Olivia wondered if John would bully Zac.

Zac was now involved in their private affairs because of her…

Outside the ward, John dragged Zac to a corner of the staircase where no one was around.

“Zac, do you plan to fight me?”

These two had grown up together. They had been best friends, closer than biological brothers throughout the


However, Zac was now helping Olivia.

John did not believe what Dorothy told him. Zac and Olivia were not stupid enough to cheat on him on the peninsula.


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