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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 371

Chapter 371

Olivia looked at Zyla, puzzled. “Zy, what happened?”

She took a few steps closer as she spoke.

“Sis Liv, don’t come near me!” Zyla hugged herself, crying and begging. “I beg you. Stay away!”

Olivia did not dare to approach anymore when she saw Zyla was in a very emotional state. She tried to comfort her gently. “Okay. I won’t go near you. I’ll stay here, okay?”

She nodded.

Olivia had hardly ever seen Zyla cry. Seeing Zyla crying and so devastated made Olivia feel both distressed and worried.

“Zy, what happened? Tell me, please.”

Zyla bit her lips, trying hard not to cry, and shook her head.

“What happened?”

Olivia wanted to ask, but she was afraid to. Zyla might break down mentally. Olivia sat on the ground with her.

“Zy, are you hungry?”

She shook her head.

“Are you thirsty?”

She shook her head again.

“Zy, today lan’s school organized a mock test. I wonder what his results will be like.”

Zyla did not respond to that.

Olivia was anxious, but she could not do anything about it, and she felt helpless.

After a moment, Zyla looked at her suddenly and sounded like she was in despair when she said, “Sis Liv, I’m not pure anymore.”

Olivia froze when she heard Zyla’s words.

Her Zy…

Olivia dashed toward her and hugged her as she comforted her with tears shimmering in her eyes. “Zy, you’ll always be pure!”

Zyla pushed Olivia desperately. “Sis Liv, let go of me. I’m not pure anymore. I can’t touch you.”

“Silly girl, what are you talking about? My Zy is very pure. It’s someone else’s fault, not yours.”


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