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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 373

Chapter 373

In the kitchen, Olivia was cooking spaghetti, but she was absent-minded and worried.

She was worried about Zyla and what Dorothy might do next.

As she pondered, the doorbell rang.

Olivia turned down the fire. She looked through the peephole before she opened the door.

“Ken, where have you been? I tried calling you in the morning but couldn’t get to you.”

Ken was still in the suit he wore the day before. His expression was gloomy, and his voice was hoarse. “I…. Something happened last night. Is Zyla here?”


Ken wanted to come in, but Olivia stopped him at the door. “Zyla is not in a good state, and it’s not appropriate for you to visit her now.”

“I…” Ken hung his head. “I’ve come to apologize for what happened last night…”

“Dorothy did that, not you.”

Startled, Ken’s gaze turned cold as he asked, “What did you say? Dorothy?”

Olivia beckoned him to lower his voice, and she frowned. “Zy is now in a terrible state. Don’t mention this. Just act as if nothing ever happened.”

“That’s…” Ken wanted to explain, but he feared Olivia might misunderstand him, so he gave up.

“Anything else?”

“Don’t let Zyla look at her phone. I’ll deal with the stuff on the internet.”

Olivia was in a puzzle. “What happened online? Does it have something to do with Zy?”

“Hmm.” Ken nodded, but he shook his head after that. “No… No! Those pictures are fake. You tell her it has nothing to do with me…”

Before he could finish, Zyla walked out in her night robe. She took the tissue box beside her and smashed

it on Ken.

“Get out! I don’t want to see you!”

Ken knew Zyla must have misunderstood and tried hard to explain. However, she had already stepped out of the kitchen holding a knife.

“Ken, I’ll kill you if you don’t get lost!”


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