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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 377

Chapter 377

“What can I do for you?”

Olivia shook her head. “You have helped me enough. I’m afraid it will hurt you if you get involved too much in this matter.”

She suddenly remembered Jimmy’s matter. She looked at Zac, worried, as she asked, “I’m a little worried about you. The Jameson family’s matter is scaring me…”

When Olivia lifted her head, she noticed the wound on Zac’s face and frowned. “What happened to your face?”

Suddenly, she remembered John’s words and asked, “Did John do it?”

Zac looked away and said, “Nothing. I accidentally bumped into something.”

“You’re lying.” Olivia turned his face around and looked at his slightly swollen cheek. He even had a

wound on his forehead. She pulled him to the sofa nearby and said sternly, “Sit down.”

Then, she turned around and took out the first aid kit. She rubbed some medicine on his wound and put a plaster on it.

“Lie to me one more time, and I’ll never speak to you again.”

Zac felt warm and smiled. “It’s just a slight injury. Don’t act so serious.”

“I’m serious about this.” Olivia looked at Zac seriously. “I’m not joking.”

Zac stopped smiling and nodded. “Okay. I know, but John’s bodyguard’s injuries are worse than mine. He might be in the hospital now.”


“Well, I practice kickboxing, but I don’t usually use it.”

Then, he looked proudly at Olivia, expecting to be praised.

Unexpectedly, Olivia glanced at him. “I don’t think you’re that great at it. Maybe you should practice more.”

Zac was speechless.

Olivia chased Zac out of the ward after applying medicine to his wound.

“You can leave. You don’t have to be here.”

“You’re not well, and you need to rest. We don’t know when she’ll wake up…”

“Zac, I know you mean well, but you’re busy, aren’t you? You didn’t sleep well last night. Have a good rest today. Don’t push yourself. I’ll have to take care of you if you are exhausted.”

He had no choice but to get up and leave.

After everyone left, Olivia tried to look at the time on her phone.

However, what she saw was the photo of her carrying Zyla in the elevator.

The worst part was the title of the news. [The woman in the photo committed suicide out of shame.]

How much money had these reporters received? They were trying to put Zyla in a terrible situation and

break her down.

Then, she looked at the lawyer’s letter on the table as her anger grew.


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