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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 379

Chapter 379

“John, are you trying to cover up what Dorothy has done?”

However, Olivia felt like she was foolish to ask that.

It was not the first time he had helped Dorothy. There was no need for her to ask.

Dorothy hugged John and cried in his arms. “Johnny, I didn’t do anything. I was with you last night and didn’t have the chance to do anything.”

Olivia scoffed. “Really? I didn’t even say when this happened. How do you know it was last night?

“You seem to know exactly what I’m talking about. It must be difficult putting on an act.”

Dorothy was startled and shook her head. “I don’t know, but I only saw you last night. If anything happened, I can only guess it was last night.”

“You can go on giving excuses!” Olivia reached out and grabbed Dorothy. “Since you’re innocent, why don’t you come to the police station with me?”

“That’s enough!”

John pried Olivia’s grip open and protected Dorothy in his embrace as he said coldly, “Olivia, enough! She was with me last night. She never left the house.”

Olivia staggered backward and managed to stand up straight only after balancing herself.

She felt disappointment striking her, and she was in despair.

The man who had been bugging her for days to get back together with him was now defending another woman. His words were all lies.

All he did before was just put on an act.

As soon as Dorothy returned, he showed his true self again and stood against her.

However, she was not the old Olivia anymore and would not give up easily. She would not let Dorothy walk away after what she had done.

Immediately, she looked up and laughed. She lifted her hand and slapped Dorothy.

“Dorothy, John and I are still married. Aren’t you being too arrogant, hugging my husband in front of me?

“The slap is to remind you I’m not dead yet.”


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