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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 387

Chapter 387

“Sis Liv, you don’t have to watch me every day. You and that punk can hang out in the neighborhood during weekends.”

Olivia glanced at Zyla. “I’m even more worried because you’re always trying to send me away. lan probably has classes on weekends. He won’t have much free time in Year 3.”

Zyla curled her lip. “Sis Liv, I mean it. I’m fine, and I won’t do anything stupid again.”

“Let’s dig in. The food is getting cold.”

Zyla sat helplessly while lowering her head.

Olivia stole a glance at her and secretly shook her head.

Whenever she closed her eyes at night, the image of Zyla lying in a bathtub full of blood woke her up.

She was so scared.

She was scared that Zyla would disappear from her side when she was not paying attention.

She was not taking any chances.

Suddenly, Zyla nudged her. “Sis Liv, that punk called.”

Olivia instantly came to herself, took her phone, walked to the balcony, and answered it.


“You don’t have to pick me up today.”

“Oh, okay. Do you have any plans?”

“There will be a joint exam the day after tomorrow. The teacher arranged a closed study session, so I won’t go home until the end of the exam.”

After hearing the explanation, Olivia sighed in relief and said with a nod, “Okay, lan. Good luck. I’ll make you something tasty when you’re done with the exam.”

lan, who also knew what happened to Zyla, asked awkwardly after a pause, “Well… Is your friend alright?”

“Yeah. She has recovered.”

“Mental problems aren’t to be underestimated. If you have a problem, find Brother Ken. He’s a psychology major.”

The Brother Ken who lan mentioned was Ken.

However, Olivia did not tell lan what happened between Ken and Zyla.

Therefore, she could only reply, “Okay, I’ll keep watching. Zyla will be happy to know that you care about her.”


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