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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 4

‘Oh no! I can’t escape!’

The voice that Olivia was infatuated with back then now sounded like the devil. It terrified her.

She did not want to go back with him. She did not want to see him whispering sweet nothings to Dorothy.

She was sick of it.

Olivia got up and took a step back, then shook her head. Her face was pale, but she still said firmly, “No. I’m not going back with you. John, I want a divorce.”

‘A divorce?

‘She’s still thinking about a divorce?’

John took a big step forward and grabbed Olivia’s hand to pull her toward him. Then, his other hand grabbed her neck.

“Olivia, I told you not to think about a divorce!

“You haven’t repaid your debt yet!”

Olivia could not breathe with his hand wrapped so tightly around her throat. She already had breathing problems due to her lung cancer, but now, she felt as if her lungs were going to explode.

She frowned and swallowed the blood in her throat, “I… What do I owe you?”

Was it because of Dorothy’s miscarriage or the stabbing?

Regardless, she was not responsible for either! However, John refused to believe her.

“You know very well, yet you’re still asking me that?”

John did not give her the chance to breathe. He choked her all the way to the car. His sinister eyes were staring straight into her. “Olivia, stop testing my patience.”

His patience?

When had he ever shown her any patience?

Olivia swallowed her blood down again. Only when her eyes widened as she almost lost consciousness did John finally release her.

Before she could return to her senses, he pushed her into the car and got inside.

Olivia covered her mouth and coughed. Her lungs hurt, and she curled up beside the car window with a frown.

“You’re still pretending? It’s such a pity that you’re not an actress.”

As she listened to John’s mocking, she smiled bitterly. ‘Is this the man I’ve loved for so many years?’

After a while, Olivia returned to her senses. Then, she turned to look at John, her tone of voice sounding extremely hopeless, “Were you trying to kill me just now?”

A disdainful smile appeared on John’s lips. “Kill you? You’re not worthy of death.”

When they got back at the villa, John dragged Olivia out of the car and up the stairs. Then, he threw her rudely onto the bedroom floor.

He looked at her as he towered over her, his eyes filled with coldness and hate.

“Olivia, think about what you did just now. If you run away again, I’ll make you lose everything.”

Olivia felt as if her body was falling apart. She endured the pain and lifted her head to meet his malicious eyes. However, she did not show any signs of weakness.

“Johnny, I’ve already lost everything.”

She lost the man in front of her. She lost her family, her parents, and her little brother. What else could she possibly lose?

She only had her body, but she would soon lose it too.

John peered at her and scoffed. “Don’t you want to see your brother?”


Her eyes brightened. She gritted her teeth and got up. “Do you know where my brother is? Tell me!”

John slammed the door shut and did not answer her.

Even if her family was gone, Olivia still had self-respect, the brother she loved, and the freedom she longed for.

He could only take away so many things!

Olivia ran to open the door, but she found that it had been locked from the outside. She could not open it from the inside.

She knocked on the door frantically and yelled at the top of her lungs, “Johnny, tell me where my brother is!”

However, no one answered her.

How long was he planning to lock her in here?


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