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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 58

Chapter 58

“Oh, Olivia, don’t try to accuse me of something I haven’t done. Johnny won’t believe you anyway. Just say whatever you want.”

Then, Dorothy headed downstairs.

While walking down the stairs, she pondered on how she would teach Olivia a lesson and speed up the process of their divorce.

Two years ago, John rarely returned to the peninsula. Now that Dorothy had moved into this house, she thought she could get his attention more. She never thought his attitude toward Olivia would improve.

She had caused this.

Dorothy could not be at ease until she married John.

As she walked into the kitchen, an idea popped into her mind, and she smirked.

Olivia had not eaten for two days, and her already weak body could not take it anymore.

Retaliating against Dorothy had exhausted her, forcing her to lie back on the bed.

It was interesting to think about how John had trusted Dorothy to feed her.

He was like a fool who could not differentiate lies from truth. He believed everything Dorothy told him.

Suddenly, a sharp, pulling pain in her stomach caused her to break out in a cold sweat.

Then, her heart and lungs ached simultaneously, almost making her faint.

She quickly approached the bedside table to get her medicine. Her right hand trembled to get the last pill. Before she could eat it, the door suddenly opened.

Thinking it was John, Olivia dropped the pill on the ground in a panic.

She reached out to pick it up. However, she saw a pair of floral slippers before she could get it.

It was not John but Dorothy.

Dorothy bent down to pick up the pills and peered at Olivia, who was in great pain. She smirked and said, What’s wrong with you, Olivia?*


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