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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 74

Chapter 74

With that, Dorothy pushed Olivia to the ground and stepped on her slender hand with her high heels.

Olivia gritted her teeth and struggled, but Dorothy was stepping on her hand so hard that she could not move at all. She had to grab her red high heels with her other hand.

Dorothy tried to step on Olivia’s other hand but almost tripped because of Olivia.

However, Dorothy’s heel had already wounded Olivia’s hand, making it bleed.

“Olivia, look carefully. I’m the winner, and you’re the loser! You can’t even use your hands now. I’ll watch you try to design in the future.”

With that, Dorothy took her legs off of her and said with a smirk, “Olivia, enjoy your prison life. I’m sure. John will be admiring my child’s first steps by the time you get out of the prison.”

Clutching her left hand, Olivia watched Dorothy leave.

Olivia wanted to live and wanted to seek revenge. She could not stay in prison!

She staggered as she stood up and asked the guard, “I want to meet John.”

Then, she returned to a corner of the cell, tore off a small piece of her clothes, and bandaged her hand. She had to stand up for herself and live to take revenge.

She wanted to go back to Johnny’s side, be an obedient woman, and please him!

John arrived soon, looking handsome in his suit.

“Did you request to meet me?”

Instead of responding to him, Olivia lay on the ground. It seemed like she was dead.


The woman did not respond when he approached.

Doubtful, he crouched down. He saw Olivia covered in blood, pale and breathing weakly.

In an instant, John’s gaze turned cold, and he rushed out of the cell with Olivia in his arms.

He stopped and peered at the guard coldly as he passed the guard. “Who did this?”


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