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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 78

Chapter 78

Olivia trembled with anger. She knew Dorothy was lying, but she had no proof.

“Dorothy, you told me yourself! You told me about the car accident in jail this morning!”

“I didn’t…” Dorothy hid in John’s arms and said cautiously, “Johnny, I’ve never been to the jail…”

“You came, and I…”

Before she could finish, John snapped, “That’s enough, Olivia. Haven’t you done enough? You couldn’t just lie about cancer and bribe the nurse, now you have to try to accuse Dolly?”

“I didn’t lie or bribe anyone. I’m really suffering from lung cancer!”

John threw the report in Olivia’s face. “See it for yourself. It’s written on the paper.

As Olivia shuddered, she crouched and picked up the crumpled paper.

When she saw the word ‘pneumonia, her legs turned to jelly, and she almost fell to the ground.

She could not explain herself. She had no way to defend herself!

“I didn’t… I didn’t lie, Johnny. Why don’t you believe me?”

John looked at her coldly and emphasized each word he said, “I only believe in evidence!”

Tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes in despair. She opened her mouth to explain, but she swallowed her words back down.

the man she had loved for seventeen years trusted outsiders more than he had trusted her.

She repeatedly repeated with all her strength, “I did not lie!”

“Liv, you can blame me for this, but… Liv, you can hit me if you want, but don’t accuse me, okay?”

Dorothy was a vicious woman, yet she was an angel to John.


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