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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 81

Chapter 81

With that sentence, Dorothy made Olivia stop in her tracks, stunned.

Guessing from what was happening right now, if Dorothy were to bring it up, John would definitely gift it to her, since seventy million was nothing to the Freeman Group.

However, the Larson’s Residence was where Olivia grew up and where her memories of all the good times she had with Dad, Mom, Uncle Wallace, and lan resided.

There could still be some items from her childhood in the house, and perhaps even some evidence of the crimes Dorothy had committed. Solely because of that, she could not let Dorothy have that house!

“What do you want to do with the Larson Residence?”

“What else? I want to stop you from having it, of course.

“Besides that, Liv, you don’t have any money right now, so how are you going to fight me for it? Once I get my hands on it, maybe I’ll bring you in for a little house tour if I’m feeling kind, so you can reminisce on the glory days of the Larsons.”

Dorothy smiled smugly. She looked like she was determined to get it.

Olivia scoffed coldly. “You aren’t pretending anymore? I thought you were really good at pretending to be a cripple? Should I contact a casting director on your behalf so you can continue acting like a cripple?”


“Why, are you flustered already? You’re usually very cocky, aren’t you? How are you so sure that Johnny will buy it for you?”

A sharp gleam flashed through Olivia’s eyes as she inched closer to Dorothy with every step.

“Dorothy Ellis, Johnny pampers you and trusts you a lot, but have you ever thought about why he won’t make you his wife despite him pampering and trusting you so much?

“My bite mark is still on your arm. Don’t let Johnny see it later.”

Dorothy was a little scared. She held onto her sleeves and took two steps back. “W–what are you gonna do? Aren’t you afraid that Johnny will beat you to death?”

“Beat me to death?”

Olivia smirked, raised her hand, and slapped Dorothy across her cheek. “I’ll tell you now. The reason Johnny won’t make you his wife is because of your below–than–average, mediocre background! If you’re so powerful, make him get a divorce!”

Olivia shuddered, but immediately gritted her teeth as she spat, “You wouldn’t dare!


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