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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 83

Chapter 83

Zac looked at how startled Olivia was and his heart trembled a little.

It was only then that he realized that his intentions had changed, but he did not know when that began. “Liv, every time I see you, you’re barely alive. I’m a lawyer. I can’t just ignore that. Even if it was someone else, I would have done the same, you know?”

After he was done, he explained further since he was afraid that Olivia would feel pressured.

“Even if Johnny may have something against me, I don’t agree with the way he does things. But he is my friend, so as a matter of fact, it’s only logical for me to take care of you, so if Johnny has a moment of realization one day in the future, I hope you will still be alive when that time comes.”

After hearing all this, Olivia’s heart jerked violently.

She had been tortured so much the past few weeks that she almost forgot that she was a cancer patient that would die at any time.

She really did not bother to care about the ways of the world anymore, but she should not waste every second and every minute she was alive.

“Thank you, Zac. It’s just that I won’t be able to repay you.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m serious. I grew up with Johnny, so I know him really well. Stubbornness is his weakness.”

Zac paused for a while. “Olivia, are you really still going to go head–to–head with him?”

Olivia snickered. “I was the one that was hanging onto him, but he’s the one that refuses to let me go now. He refuses to let me live, and he refuses to let me die. How demanding of him.”

As she finished her sentence, the car pulled to a stop in front of the peninsula.

“Thank you, Zac Quinton.”

After she was done speaking, Olivia had a sudden realization that she had said too many thank yous to him. She smiled awkwardly and said, “I’m sorry for inconveniencing you.”

“Liv, could you stop saying thank you to me from now on?”

Olivia was stunned for a while, and before she could react, the door swung open. John’s lanky frame stood tall at the door, and his eyes were icy cold.

“Olivia Larson.”

His tone of voice was dripping with ice and tainted with a sliver of killing intent, making Olivia shudder involuntarily.

She stood up to look at John, only to realize that his gaze was icy cold as well, almost like he wanted to freeze her.


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