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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 913

Chapter 913

"Pheebs and Lyla don't need you to protect them."

John walked in and interrupted Xavier and Olivia's conversation. He had a food container in his hands, which he waved as he walked toward Olivia, smiling. "I brought you your favourite chicken soup, Pheebs."

Olivia rolled her eyes at him. "I don't feel like eating that. Take it away."

"I cooked it myself. It smells really good. You don’t want to try it?"

Then, John went to set up the small desk and was about to pour the chicken soup out before he was stopped.

"Mr. Freeman, didn't you hear Pheebs say that she didn't feel like eating it? Also, she needs to replenish her nutrients now, and she can't just be eating non-nutritious things like chicken soup."

"She’s always liked this."

"She used to. She doesn't now, nor is it suitable now. Why force her to eat something she doesn't like?"

Before John could reply, Xavier smiled faintly and added, "To care for someone is to respect their wishes, and not to force them to accept your goodwill."

With that, John smilingly pushed Xavier's hand away. "What about you? Have you ever respected what her wishes were? You’re here, forcing her to accept you, aren't you? Let me tell you, even if she and Zac Quinton get a divorce, it still won't be your turn!"

"Oh, and it will be yours instead, won't it?"

Xavier narrowed his beautiful eyes and growled, "From what I understand, you only like Pheebs because she looks like your ex-wife, right?"

John’s expression darkened as he glared coldly at Xavier in silence.

"Also, the reason you miss your ex-wife is that you feel guilty, since she died because of you, correct?"

"What is your true intention, Xavier Hemsworth?"

"What else would my intentions be?" Xavier turned to Olivia. "I only want Pheebs and Lyla to be happy, blissful, and safe. Nothing else. Whether Pheebs chooses me or not is her choice, and not within my consideration."

"Also, she's still not divorced from Mr. Quinton yet. That would depend on Mr. Quinton, wouldn't it?"

Chapter 913 1

Chapter 913 2


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