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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 96

Chapter 96

The two went upstairs right after they reached Golden Hills Apartment.

The house was quite spacious and it was a duplex apartment.

“Sis Liv, this apartment is an incentive provided by Mr. Quinton, looks good right?”

Olivia nodded. “Indeed, where’s the first aid kit?”

Zyla pointed at the cabinet. “The second drawer.”

“Alright, take a seat, I’ll go get it.”

Zyla sat on the sofa obediently and immediately smiled upon seeing Olivia bringing the first aid kit over as if she was in a very good mood.

Olivia felt a little strange. “Why are you so happy? You are bleeding.”

“I guess it’s because you are too beautiful, Sis Liv.”

Olivia was amused. She took off the handkerchief from her arm and then took the bottle of iodine. “What a sweet talker, I shall treat you with some iodine then.”

“Sis Liv, please be gentle…ouch…it hurts…”

“Thought you didn’t know.”

Although Olivia did not study medicine, her hands were notoriously deft, if not, Dorothy would not have been so jealous to the extent that she wanted to crush them.

Her left hand had not fully recovered yet, it was originally fair and flawless but there was a scar right now that might not be able to fade for the rest of her life.

Zyla also noticed it and her eyes darkened a little.

However, when Olivia looked over, she was still having a smiley face on.

Olivia threw the rubbish into the dustbin and put the first aid kit back into the cabinet after finishing.

“I wanted to take a look at Mr. Quinton’s car accident footage.”

Zyla quickly took a USB stick out of her bag. “Sis Liv, I was there for the same reason.

I have the footage with me, you can take a look.”

“Are you sure it’s fine to do so?”

“It’s nothing, Mr. Quinton was gonna…”

Halfway through the conversation, Zyla remembered Zac’s exhortation, and immediately changed her words. “Anyways, this footage is not a secret, so Mr. Quinton won’t say anything.”


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