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Giving in to Her Rebellious Streak (Yasmin and Blake) novel Chapter 46

Chapter 46 

Yasmin glanced at Blake. His side profile was really attractive. She suddenly felt that being supported like this wouldn’t be a bad thing at all

Despite feeling that way, Yasmin was aware that she couldn’t allow herself to sink too 

deeply. Giselle was pregnant, so Yasmin needed to keep herself in line

What are you daydreaming about?Blake said gently

Yasmin returned to her senses and looked at him in a daze. Huh? What?” 

My phone is on the couch. Get it for me,Blake said

Okay.Yasmin obediently went over to pick up the phone. She then saw a bunch of missed calls from Giselle. The light in her eyes dimmed instantly

Just then, the door opened. Giselle walked in with a purse

Yasmin just so happened to pass by the door and bumped into her

Giselle smiled lightly as if she’d forgotten about the awkward situation from this morning. She nodded at Yasmin. You’re here too, Yasmin?” 

Bitterness welled in Yasmin’s heart

Giselle held her hand and said delicately, I’m sorry, Yasmin. I behaved out of line this morning. In retrospect, you did nothing wrong. You’re still married to each other. I’m 

pregnant, so Blake can’t do anything with me. You’ll have to bear with it and help him out for the time being, I’m afraid.” 

Yasmin looked at Giselle peculiarly

Giselle smiled. You think I’m too forgiving, don’t you? It’s pretty normal, honestly

Someone as capable as Blake has a lot of female admirers. If I were to be jealous of every 

single one of them, I’d get high blood pressure. So, I’ve learned to let go. As long as Blake’s just fooling around, I don’t mind. All that matters is that he loves me.” 

Yasmin felt incredulous

But maybe this was the kind of women men liked the most. Giselle was able to be 

considerate and kind while ignoring what Blake was doing out on the side

Yasmin couldn’t. That was why she would keep her heart in check and not fall in love with someone she shouldn’t be loving

She responded, Ms. O’Shea is so forgiving.” 

It’s no big deal. I don’t mind if you want to stay with Blake for the first three months of my pregnancy. Men will be men. They need their release.Giselle was hinting that Yasmin was nothing more than a tool for Blake’s release

Yasmin was left speechless. She didn’t even know how to retaliate against Giselle’s words

Giselle was always cheerful and smiling. It was as if she had no temper at all

Yasmin’s attempts at striking back at her were like hitting airmeaningless

She suddenly felt exhausted

Is this Blake’s phone, Yasmin? I’ll help you give it to him.Giselle saw the black phone in Yasmin’s hand and took it away. She then walked toward Blake

Your phone, Blake,Yasmin said coquettishly, handing it to him

Blake frowned when he saw her. What are you doing here?” 

Erik told me to come over. He said you guys were hanging out. You weren’t answering my calls earlier. Turns out you guys were secretly playing behind my backGiselle sat down beside Blake, where Yasmin had sat earlier


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