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Giving in to Her Rebellious Streak (Yasmin and Blake) novel Chapter 55

Chapter 55 

Ivan noticed it. He gave her a gentle smile and said, Sorry, I was too close, wasn’t I?” 

Yasmin replied, No worries. You don’t have to apologize.” 

She believed that it wasn’t intentional

Ivan helped her sit down in the consultation room

When the doctor asked her questions, she answered them meekly and obediently

She was a woman who left a great first impression upon first sight. She was pretty, but not threatening

Ivan observed her from the side. Once the doctor was finished with the report, he went over and helped her up. Ms. Starr, I’ll walk you to the Xray room

Thanks,Yasmin said. Ivan grabbed her bag and casually looped it around his arm

Yasmin was slightly taken aback but said nothing. She went to the Xray room with him

There was a queue for the Xray machine. Ivan sat down next to her. He pierced the box of strawberry milk with a straw and held it to her lips. Have some milk.” 

Thank you.Yasmin took the milk and sipped at it quietly. Her long hair cascaded over her shoulder, revealing her beautiful side profile

Once she was done, she turned her head to ask Ivan, Mr. Burke, are you really my blind date?” 

She was afraid that she’d gotten the wrong person

Ivan smiled. That’s right, I am. However, at the start, Mrs. Ford actually wanted to introduce one of the executives at my company to you. But when he heard that you were in an unhappy marriage, he was reluctant.” 

It was normal for executives who earned millions of dollars annually to not want to marry a divorcee

It was simply a fact of life, so Yasmin nodded in understanding. So why did you accept?I grew up abroad. There, this notion is unheard of. Besides, I think women who have the courage to get divorced are braver. Thus, I wanted to meet you, Ms. Starr.” 

How did Mrs. Ford introduce me to you?Yasmine was worried that Annalise had oversold 


Mrs. Ford explained that you are her niece. Two years ago, something happened in your father’s company, so he went to jail. Before he went in, he entrusted your care to a man

However, that man doesn’t like you, so you spent two years in a loveless marriage. She truly felt bad for you, so she wanted to find you a partner that you could rely on.” 

Yasmin didn’t expect Annalise to say that about her. Furthermore, it was very much to the point

Yasmin laughed. Yes, that’s my life story. My father went to jail, and now I have no one to depend on. As for my career, I opened a studio with my friend. I’m sure you know it. It’s the brand, Erinnyes.” 

Erinnyes was the combination of hers and Eunice’s names

Ivan nodded. Yes, I know about that.” 

Yasmin glanced at him. Since he knew everything, did he really not mind a single thing about her

She wasn’t an heiress anymore but a broke socialite. How could she be together with the president of a hundredbilliondollar company

The Xray showed that Yasmin’s arm was fine, just that it was sprained. All she had to do was put some ice on it when she got back

The two of them left the hospital


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