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Giving in to Her Rebellious Streak (Yasmin and Blake) novel Chapter 86

Chapter 86 

Blake said, “Without my orders, Mary wouldn’t dare come upstairs to 

disturb me.” 

Early that morning, a group of people from the company came over for a meeting. After Mary brought them coffee, Blake ordered her not to come upstairs again. 

Yasmin was immediately taken aback. “Does that mean you haven’t eaten anything since this morning?” 

“And whose fault do you think this was?” 

Yasmin was instantly embarrassed. She didn’t know he would be waiting for her all this time. She thought that if she didn’t come over, he would just summon Mary to deliver the food. 

“I’ll go get you breakfast… Wait, I mean lunch right now,” Yasmin said 

as she got out of bed and made her way downstairs. 

Joel and Erik were about to leave. They talked as they walked 


Joel asked, “Have you apologized to Yasmin?” 

Erik coldly responded, “I’ve already apologized to her.” 

“Can you please stop picking on her? I think Blake really likes her. You shouldn’t always wear such a resentful expression when facing her.” 

Erik scoffed, “Isn’t she just using her body to seduce Blake, and that’s why he’s interested in her? What good qualities does a woman like 

that have?” 

Joel responded, “You’re too naïve, Erik. How could a man like Blake be seduced so easily?”. 


+25 BONUS 

“Why not? Humans are all creatures of desire, especially men. Sometimes, they just need an outlet to vent when there are no other 


Erik regarded Yasmin with disdain. 

Erik was truly a blockhead. 

Joel was done talking to him. He shook his head and walked down 

the stairs. 

Yasmin stood silently behind the two, listening to their conversation. She sighed inwardly. 

Joel appeared to be quite fond of her. 

Meanwhile, Erik had a deep-seated prejudice against her. 

However, prejudice is a deep-seated belief, and it was impossible for her to change his mind with just a few words. 

Human nature had consistently been like that. Some people would naturally like you, and some would naturally dislike you. Likewise, not all of them would like you, and vice versa. 

Yasmin wasn’t concerned with others’ prejudices toward 

walked downstairs. Mary was in the midst of wrapping ra 

box of Zephyria shrimp next to her. 

Yasmin walked over and asked, “Mary, are you making shrimp ra 

“That’s right. Mr. Ford asked me to make them.” 

Yasmin was taken aback. “I thought Blake didn’t like shrimp?” 

Mary said with a smile, “That’s because you like to eat them! We got some fresh shrimp flown in this morning. Since there were too many of them, Mr. Ford suggested making shrimp ravioli and storing them in the fridge. That way, you can have them whenever you come home 


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Yasmin was momentarily taken aback. 

Did he recently notice that she always gets home around 8:00 or 9:00 pm, so he told Mary to prepare shrimp ravioli for her? 

The household staff at Oak Garden would usually clock out at 8:00 pm, and Yasmin didn’t like to eat much at night, so she usually asked Mary to make her some soup at night. That way, she could just drink some soup and have some of the meat in the soup, which would be enough for her. 


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