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Giving in to Her Rebellious Streak (Yasmin and Blake) novel Chapter 9


The question took Yasmin aback. She looked at Giselle. What?” 

You like Blake, right? I heard about it from some other people.Giselle glanced at Blake, seemingly observing his reaction

He ate calmly while Yasmin smiled selfdeprecatingly. Yasmin said, Nope.” 

No?Giselle didn’t really believe her. Over the past few days, she’d heard many things about their relationship. She’d heard about how Yasmin had pursued Blake like mad in the past. She would go everywhere he went

Blake’s friends had mockingly called her Blake’s little lapdog. It bothered Giselle

I was young back then and didn’t know any better. I was just messing around.Yasmin smiled faintly

It was as if she’d been under a spell at the time. She wasn’t satisfied with just being married to Blake on paper. She would deliberately wander around before calling Blake and telling him she was lost. She would ask him to take her home

Sometimes, Blake would come in person. Sometimes, he wouldn’t. But if he didn’t come, he would send his assistant to pick her up. At the time, Yasmin had been hopeful. At least he was responding to her

Oh, I see.Giselle smiled at Yasmin’s answer. She turned to Blake. Yasmin was only joking with you in the past. You didn’t take her seriously, did you?” 

Blake snorted. I’m not that dumb.” 

Yasmin was stunned. Then again, Blake had always thought she’d been lying to him. After Stuart had gone to jail, her uncle had taken over the company. He would always make her suck up to Blake, but it turned out to have the opposite effect

It only made Blake think she’d seduced him for the sake of money. That was why he never believed anything she said

Yasmin felt a little dejected. She put her utensils down and said, I’m done. You guys go 


She went upstairs to take her medication. Giselle followed her and watched her gently

Did you need something, Ms. O’Shea?Yasmin kept a hand on the doorknob while looking 


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at her

Giselle asked, Is this the room for you and Blake?” 

Yasmin frowned before regaining her composure and looking at Giselle’s belly. Is Blake really the father of your child, Ms. O’Shea?” 

A trace of diffidence flashed across Giselle’s face before she nodded. Yes, he is.” 

Yasmin’s eyes 

dimmed. Now that the dust had settled, there was no point in her troubling herself over the matter. I hope you two will have a happy life together. You make a great pair.” 

You and Blake-” 

There’s nothing between us. We’re probably getting divorced soon,” Yasmin interjected. Even if Blake refused to go through with it, she would insist. It wasn’t up to Blake to decide

Giselle’s eyes lit up. Really?” 

Yeah. You don’t have to mind me. I’m just an unimportant character in this debacle.After all, Blake had already told her he would never fall in love with her. Her heart was a grave now

Yasmin entered the bedroom and shut the door. She took her medication and then 

downloaded a divorce agreement off the Internet. She wanted to print it out


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