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Happy Mommy Happy Daddy full novel novel Chapter 3

Chapter 3 In the Future, I Will Protect You

Alora busied herself in the kitchen for twenty minutes. She made a Japanese rice omelet and some potato and cheese pancakes. Together, they were served at the dining table, “Little Steve, come and eat!” Steve glanced at the time. There were still fifteen minutes before eight. He jumped down from the sofa and gracefully walked over. He sat down at the dining table.

Upstairs, little James wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and snorted. “Although it smells good, it probably won’t taste good.”

“Delicious.” Steve said as he took a bite of the food as if he had heard the voice of his brother upstairs. “If it tastes good, I will continue to cook for you in the future.” Alora smiled. “Oh right, you’re here so late at night. Where’s your family?” she asked. “You’re the child of Mr. Rowan’s friend?” she asked. She had never heard of Mr. Rowan having a child before, The little fellow frowned and nodded. “Yes,” she said. “Sure enough.” “I didn’t expect that although this Mr. Rowan is a little ugly, his heart is very kind.” Alora nodded lightly At the very least, his friend’s child was at ease here like he was in his own home. This proved that Mr. Rowan was not as ruthless as the rumors said.

“He is not ugly.” Steve took a bite of the rice as he said in a low voice. Upstairs, a man glanced at the little guy who was drooling beside him. His eyes seemed to say, “Look at your brother, then look at you.” One tried his best to protect his noble appearance, and the other wanted everyone to know that he was a monster. “I just don’t want a stranger to be my mommy,” James pouted and said. Samir frowned slightly and turned to leave. Downstairs, it was already 8:10 when Little Steve finished eating. He ate very slowly and carefully. Finally, he packed the remaining two pancakes on a small plate and turned to go upstairs. “You should sleep early.” When he reached the last step, he turned his head and glanced at Alora, who was still standing in the same place, and said coolly, “Don’t worry.”

“In the future, I will protect you.”

Although he was young, it was difficult to hide his noble and proud temperament. When he looked back and spoke like this, his eyes were overbearing and he did not look like a five-year-old child.

Alora was stunned for a moment.

She looked at his little back and did not know whether to laugh or cry. Even if she found it difficult to adapt to this environment, she didn’t need a child to protect her, right? Turning around, Alora began to clean up the kitchen and dining room. When everything was cleaned up, she did not dare to go back to the terrifying bedroom from before. In the end, the woman sighed and lay down on the sofa, covering herself with a coat. In the children’s room upstairs. Steve placed the fragrant cheese and potato pancakes on James’ bedside. The little fellow faced the wall and turned his back on Steve. “I won’t eat it.”



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