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Happy Mommy Happy Daddy full novel novel Chapter 62

Chapter 62 Daddy Had a Love Rival

“This role is also very important to me,” Alora replied coldly. “It was you who made Celia unable to continue acting. This is what you owe her.” “After you help her this time, we are even.”

Alora looked at the message that Truett sent and smiled.

Where did he get the courage and confidence to think that she owed Celia?

Wasn’t it because Celia had tried to frame her, which eventually led to her being banned?

Why had it all become her fault in Truett’s mouth?

Alora took a deep breath. She felt so angry that she sent Truett a green grape emoji.

“What do you mean? You agreed?”

“Alora, I knew you…” Truett was overjoyed.

The woman rolled her eyes and put down her phone.

He didn’t even understand this?

The grapes were green! (T/N: In Chinese, green is the color often associated with people who have been cuckolded.)

Samir looked at her fuming face and shook his head helplessly. He used Teacher Rowan’s account to send her a message: “Good luck.”

“Thank you!” After Alora replied, she leaned against the car window and began to worry about tomorrow. Although she believed that her ability far exceeded Celia’s, there would be more competitors at the audition tomorrow.

What if someone more suitable appeared?

After all, she was a stunt double who had not officially acted for many years. There was no way to ensure that her performance would be stable.

Not long after, the car returned to Banyan City.


When they got home, Alora pushed the door open and entered. James immediately opened his arms and

rushed over. “I miss you so much!”


“I miss you too,” Alora said as she squatted down and hugged James. Having not seen each other for four days, she really missed these two little villains. It was very strange. It had only been a month since they became mother and sons, but she felt that she really had become their biological mother and could not bear to part with them.

“Have you had fun?”

“Do you have gifts from me and my brother?” James looked up at Alora with a smile.


Alora took the backpack and was about to find the gifts when a big hand took her backpack away.

Samir frowned lightly and handed the backpack to James directly. “Take it and find it yourself.” “Your mommy is going to review.”

“Mommy is going to take the exam?” James blinked.


On the sofa in the distance, Steve, who was reading a book, raised his head lightly. “Brother Alexander said

that Mommy is going to have an audition tomorrow.”

“Mommy, go!”

James directly grabbed Alora’s backpack and ran to Steve’s side with his short legs. He began to rummage through the gifts in her backpack.

Alora pursed her lips. She… had nothing to review.

Tomorrow’s audition was a live test. She couldn’t prepare anything at all.

“There are a lot of things to prepare.”

“I found some books for you and I put them in your bedroom.” Steve was still leaning elegantly on the sofa, looking completely serious.

After that, the little fellow glanced at her indifferently. “Come on.”

That attitude was completely the same as that of his class teacher!

Alora felt funny.

Before she could say something, she was directly carried by Samir. The man carried her and strode upstairs.

Alora was locked in the bedroom.

Steve was right. He had indeed found her many books to improve her acting skills.

Sitting on the bed, she looked at the large stack of books on the desk that was taller than her and let out a long sigh.

She lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling with a headache.

In the end, she decided not to read a single book. She had to believe in her own strength!


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