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Happy Mommy Happy Daddy full novel novel Chapter 77

Chapter 77 Jealous?

Looking at Celia’s proud face, Alora smiled helplessly. “It’s a good thing to be confident.”


“You haven’t won the award yet. Isn’t it a little too early to start planning your future?”

“Is it?”

“In less than an hour, I will get the award that I deserve.” Truett sneered.

“Are you sure that nothing will happen within this hour?”

“Alora, after saying so much, you still can’t stand the blow of me and Truett getting the award, right?” Celia rolled her eyes.

There was no suspense at all for tonight’s award.

Not only did Director Lee spend money for her, but Elena also helped her.

Before coming here, Celia even opened the envelope and saw the winner’s name already.

Tonight, the best actor was Truett, and the best newcomer actress was her. There was no doubt at all!


Alora yawned, “However, since you are sure that you can get the award, why don’t you come back and show off to me after you get it?”

“You two only make me want to laugh right now.”


“Alora, just you wait.” Celia glared at her fiercely before smiling.

“Don’t leave after tonight’s ceremony ends!”

“Don’t worry, I won’t leave,” the woman said with a faint smile.

After saying that, Alora didn’t bother to look at them anymore and closed her eyes to rest.

In fact, she did not know who the best actor was tonight. Maybe it was Truett, or maybe it was someone else.

But what she knew was that the best newcomer actress for tonight would definitely not be Celia.

It was not because she knew some insider news, but because…

Among the judges for the best newcomer actress, there was Director Lee, and his decision had a higher influence than others.

Soon, the people in the venue came one after another. Because Alora was a little newcomer in the entertainment circle, she was not part of the red carpet or the small talk. She was also happy to have nothing to do. She watched the show while taking videos and sending them to Anne. Until Leo appeared on her camera.

“Why are you here?” Alora was startled.

If she remembered correctly, Leo had publicly announced that he would not participate in this year’s ceremony.

After all, he had won almost all the awards in the past few years.

In order to give the others a chance to win the award, he took the initiative to quit.

“I changed my mind.”

Leo sat down next to Alora. He looked ahead and said calmly, “I saw the actors this year.”

*None of them are really qualified.”

“The only one who is Ok is the actor called Truett.” He turned to look at Alora. “But his performance is not very stable.” “Although he did not make any mistakes in his acting before, in the past month, he has been doing very well.”

“It’s not that he doesn’t work as hard. I think he must have changed his acting instructor.” “After all, I’ve already won Golden Ox Award several times. I don’t want the credibility of this award to drop. So, I told the judges that I would participate.”

“Are you surprised?” he asked as he glanced at Alora.


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