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Hatred With Benefits novel Chapter 95

We're at the end!!! Woohoo!

Where do I begin? So far, Hatred turns out to be the most challenging book I've written. Not just with the trope and the content, but both emotionally and physically. There were a lot of challenges along the way, but I made it. WE made it, and I know you're probably tired of hearing me say this now, but I truly wouldn't be here without your support. Hatred isn't just a step out of the comfort zone for me, it's a book that I found myself so attached to along the way and one I learn a lot from, so thank you all, for letting me write Eva and Emerson's story, for believing in me and for staying with me until the very end.

I still find it hard to believe at times when I look at how far I've come, and how many of you have travelled with me through this journey. I recognize some of you from my very first book, A Night With The Billionaire, and you have no idea how glad it warms my heart to see you up till now. Thank you very much for enduring and for staying.

I know. I'm not in any way perfect. I have a lot of things to learn, but I promise you that I'm always working hard to broaden my knowledge and bring quality stories to you all. You are the reason I'm always trying harder, and I hope you'll continue with me throughout each journey.

Now, I know some of you wanted to see Eva pregnant and the couple as a parent, but I don't think it's time for them yet. You'll get to see it, though. But not here. I'll be writing Elias's story (yayyyyyyyy!) and there; we'll see more of Eva and Emerson, including how they continue to grow. It'll be a different period from here, so they'll be older and possibly, more.

To the next project: Haha, I know I just mentioned that I'll be writing Elias's story, but it isn't the next. I didn't plan for his story until recently, so I won't be taking it now, but it's definitely coming soon.

For our next journey, we have... CRAVE!

God, I'm so excited for this one. It's a journey I've been looking forward to and I can't wait to start writing it. As usual, you know I don't reveal the blurb, but I'll drop something small for this.

Here's a snippet:

Final Author's Note 1

Final Author's Note 2


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