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He Married A Whore novel Chapter 7

"Does Mr Killian pay his workers close to one million dollars a week?" Disha asked.

"One million dollars a week?" Sophia nearly screamed.

If Killian pays his workers one million dollars a week,it's possible cause his family originated from wealth, they are billionaires plus the fact that Killian is a billionaire on his own even without his family's money,he had worked very hard regardless of his family status but even with how generous Killian is, she has never heard he pay his employees close to one million dollars a week!

A week!

Not even a month!

"Why did you ask ? Is Killian paying you that amount?" Sophia asked Disha and she hesitated before answering.

She feel she can trust the woman.

Sophia had told her so much without even considering the fact that she just resumed today.

"Yeah" Disha replied slowly.

"Wow!" Sophia exclaimed inwardly.

For Killian to pay a nanny that amount,then there's something behind it.

He definitely wants to help her.

Is the lady probably suffering from a problem?

Killian should have just sent his philanthropy company to do the job instead of that huge pay. It'll of course raise eyebrows.

She'll need to call him and discuss with him later.

Sophia cleared her throat.

"Disha, to be sincere, i don't think Killian pays his workers close to that amount but he's someone who can do anything he wants. Killian always have a reason for everything. He definitely have a reason for wanting to pay you that amount. He wants to help you" Sophia said.

"Help me? I never told him i needed help." Disha said.

She really needs all the financial help she can get but she never mentioned it to Killian, how did he found out?

"You never told him you needed help?" Sophia asked.

"Yes" Disha answered.

"Well.. Killian has his way of doing things, just go along with him" Sophia said.

"I will" Disha said.

"Fifteen minutes elapsed already" Disha stood up and quickly walked out of the kitchen.

Sophia smiled, she hoped Disha won't stop this diligent act as time goes on.

Disha got to Summer's room and found the little girl trying to open her eyes.

She quickly moved close to her and bent over her.

"Summer, are you okay?" She asked before touching her body.

What the ..!

She's burning up!

Summer finally opened her eyes and placed her tiny palm on her forehead.

"Dad" She whimpered.

"Summer, it's your nanny" Disha said, blinking severally.

She's so lost right now.

"My head aches. Get me my dad" Summer cried.

"Okay" Disha said, feeling her temperature once again.

Damn! It has increased.

She turned to walk out of the room and was so grateful when Killian walked in.

"She's calling for you" Disha said worriedly and Killian almost ran towards his daughter.

"Summer, I'm here" He said, kissing her forehead.

"Dad" Summer held firmly to his hand.

"My head is aching" She cried.

"You'll be fine princess, i called the doctor already" Killian said and Disha could see his attractive face wrinkled with worry.

She stood there, not knowing what to do or say.

She moved close to Summer and felt her temperature again before suddenly walking out of the room.

Killian wondered why she did that but he knew she doesn't have a nanny experience before employing her.

Moreover he's so worried about his daughter right now.

He so much hates seeing her in pains and knowing he made her sick saddens him more.

And he knows he'll still have to force her to take medication, Summer hates drugs.

Chapter 7 1


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