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Healing my disabled husband novel Chapter 107

Once Miles signed the contract with Matilda, he made the arrangements for Matilda's future.

The first thing that happened was that Matilda was assigned an agent.

However, when Matilda found out about it, she was very unhappy.

Arriving at Globalhive Pictures Entertainment at the appointed time, Matilda was ready to go straight upstairs to find Miles.

However, just before walking in, someone had to stop them.

"This lady, sorry, you can't go up." The receptionist lady stopped Matilda , the posture was very respectful and possessed a good professional attitude.

Matilda looked up and down at the receptionist, but it was still easy to see the hostility towards her in her eyes.

She smiled and said, "OK, I'm kind of officially here today, so it's understandable that you don't know me, but, little girl, remember this face of mine, and remember to let me in if you see me in the future."

When the receptionist heard Matilda's words, her heart was actually very apprehensive.

However, she has seen a lot of beautiful women looking for various reasons to run to the company in order to become an actress, and such women, in general, have no good end.

So, it's not a mistake for her to stop this beautiful-to-goodness woman like this now, she's contributing to the company.

Matilda didn't argue with her, she just took out her phone and called Miles, "It looks like you'll have to come down and pick me up yourself, otherwise, I can't get in."

On the other end of the line, Miles' face sank after hearing Matilda's words.

The assistant was looking at the side nervous to the point of no return, and was about to ask a question when he saw that the boss had gotten up and was heading outside the office.

Miles went directly into the exclusive elevator and, in a short time, arrived at the first floor lobby.

When his figure appeared, the whole front desk girl tightened up.

The gaze towards Matilda also became very strange.

She couldn't believe that this woman, surprisingly, wasn't coming over for a chance.

Matilda scanned the receptionist, but did not tell Miles about her rudeness to her.

She looked over at Miles , and said, "Looks like I'll have to get a pass next time."

"No, I'll have your picture hung here later, and from now on, no one will be able to stop you." Miles said.

Matilda's mouth twitched at the corners, to Miles this method is in ......

Feel very thunder.

She said, "It doesn't have to be that way, I don't want anyone throwing eggs at my picture yet."

"So little confidence?" Miles raised his eyebrows lightly and said, "How do you know that people aren't comparing hearts toward your picture?"

Matilda : "......"

She felt that she had met a master and was actually able to run into such a dirt man.

She prides herself on being able to play with all male creatures, but she didn't expect Miles to be able to render her so speechless.

Miles saw that she was silent and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong? I'm not saying the right thing."

"No," Matilda said, shaking her head, "I just think, Mr. Hayden, is pretty awesome."


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