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Healing my disabled husband novel Chapter 118

Jaylah spent a small amount of time feeling smug and complacent because of the collaboration with Indesit Jewelry.

Those fans on Twitter touted her and almost made her drift to fill in.

Jaylah is going to think that she is that perfect an actress.

She was in a good mood and had taken time off from the show anyway, so she went straight to the most frequented shopping mall and prepared for a bloodbath.

Although she now wears clothes, each of which is pricey, she still believes that she needs to reacquire some higher-end lines.

Otherwise, people will think that she, Jaylah, is a low-life and wears all those things in a cheap way.

While shopping, Jaylah didn't look at her phone, so, unbeknownst to her, Twitter is now in an uproar.

A rich ID suddenly sent out several tweets detailing the photos posted on Jaylah's Twitter account, and the jewelry she was wearing was not from Indesit Jewelry.

Originally, this ID did not have much influence, and there were not many people who saw this tweet.

Just suddenly a top stream of small flowers liked this tweet, although only a few seconds to unlike, but still instantly let this tweet heat up.

Soon, Jaylah and Indesit Jewelry, Jaylah fakes, and other phrases, scurried into the hot search.

This ID called rich is claiming to be a jewelry appraiser, and, her knowledge of Indesit Jewelry, in addition to Indesit Jewelry this treasure, it is impossible to have a second person.

In her tweet, she listed everything from the design, the original stone, the cut, etc. What Jaylah was wearing was not really Indesit Jewelry at all.

Rich people: I really don't understand what else female celebrities can't do in order to become popular nowadays, wearing a whole lot of fake goods, and actually dare to rub the heat on Indesit Jewelry, this kind of behavior, is simply outrageous. This is a very good way to get the most out of the brand. @JaylahV.

For a while, Twitter was divided into several factions with different opinions.

A faction is naturally Jaylah's own fans, only because Jaylah represented Indesit Jewelry all kinds of arrogant and domineering, half a day's time, has torn through all the top flow, all kinds of words to the body of people greeted once, saying how hard words are.

If it is not a few big fans in time down to control the comment, only to have already torn up with a few fans.

They did not believe at all that Jaylah would wear a fake, and they firmly believed that Jaylah, being a grand lady herself, could not have done something so low.

There are some people who are really funny, the official certified spokesperson, you a fake is a fake? I really don't understand how some people have so much malice towards pretty sister, what did our sister do wrong, can't be kinder?

[And rich people, just this empty talk to slander the quality of people]

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

[Anyway, I believe our sister, our sister is the little angel with a beautiful heart, and I don't know which family's sour chicken, other places can't compare to our sister, actually use this kind of underhanded means, is really disgusting enough].

The rich man's Twitter feed fell completely, and Jaylah's fans swarmed over and slaughtered the Twitter comments section.

The comment section is a mess inside, with all kinds of vicious words.

And shockingly, the most cursing was actually directed at this Twitter ID, almost all cursing her daughter to a bad death.


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