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Healing my disabled husband novel Chapter 181

Aimee set a menu for Patrick and didn't care about him anymore.

One of the reasons why she had to cook today was she wanted to cook something for Casey to replenish her exhausted physical and mental energy.

So, except for the mushroom soup that Camdyn asked to eat, the rest of her menu was designed for Casey.

There was one dish, which was very complicated, and Aimee put all her attention on that dish.

Patrick saw that she was so focused that he didn't bother her.

He was preparing the ingredients himself, tomato and eggs, the two simplest ingredients. As long as he was not a real life idiot, he will do it very well.

Patrick washed a tomato, put it on a cutting board and cut it into small pieces.

He went to whip the eggs, which was also very simple.

However, when Patrick started to stir-fry, a problem happened.

He put a lot of oil, and when the egg liquid was poured in, it turned into fried eggs.

Aimee heard the voice and looked over. And she was almost not frightened.

She looked at the pot of oil soaking the eggs, and for a moment, she didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Aimee really didn't want Patrick to get discouraged, but felt that she still couldn't let him continue to make trouble.

She said tactfully, "Mr. Hayden, why don't you go to rest for a while?"

Patrick's face at the moment didn't look very good.

This was different from what he imagined.

How could he not even handle a few eggs?

This was simply too out of character for him.

Aimee still couldn't bear it anymore, and said, "Or, can you do something else for me?"

Patrick looked at Aimee and knew that his performance just now was redundant.

He said, "Let me help you with something else."

"Then, Mr. Hayden, please wash these for me." Aimee took a bunch of leeks out of the refrigerator.

She didn't intend to make a dish out of leeks, but the best thing for Patrick to pass the time now was this bunch of leeks.

He can wash them for a long time. In this way, there was no need for him to do anything else.

Patrick looked at leeks, then at Aimee. For a moment, he didn't know whether he was angry or really frustrated.

How could he fail to see Aimee's intention?

However, what can be done? He could only be obedient.

Noticing his expression, Aimee couldn't hold back and laughed.

No matter what age this man was at, he was always childish.

However, Patrick's childishness was very cute.

Withdrawing her gaze, Aimee continued to cook.

She had always been nimble, and even the most complicated dishes were cooked very quickly, with perfect combination of color, aroma and taste.

Just when the last dish was ready, Casey went to the dinning room like a walking dead.

She could no longer see anyone in her eyes, and she walked to the room entirely because of the scent that poured into her nose.


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