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Healing my disabled husband novel Chapter 54

The cast.

Jaylah was looking for August from the moment he came in the morning.

However, August still didn't show up today.

Jaylah was already not sure if she was used to this, she just felt more and more strange.

This play, the main male and female roles are very much, and, the main male role is more than enough.

August, the lead actor, never showed up, which Jaylah couldn't understand.

Since she is already in the group filming, she doesn't understand what else is more important than filming.

Finally, Jaylah couldn't resist approaching Francis and asked, "Mr. Snider, what's going on with August? Why doesn't he come every day, is this scene still filming?"

Francis gets upset when he sees Jaylah, but it's not the right time to get rid of her.

He could only touch his nose and said, "We are shooting every day according to the plan, there is no drama in this period of time, it is not all clearly arranged?"

"But Mr. Snider, he's the lead actor, what's the point of filming me and the supporting cast every day?" Jaylah said unhappily.

Look at the drama, who wants to see the supporting role of the scene ah, of course, the main male and female drama ah.

This how to Francis here, the male protagonist is with a set up.

Francis said, "It's all because of you, so I can't shoot the scene of the male and female lead, if it's not for you staying here and not leaving, I would be so difficult.

Not bothering with Jaylah, Francis waved his hand and said, "Just follow the plan and finish the scene, don't worry about anything else."

"But ......" Jaylah wanted to say something else, but Francis had already found an excuse to go to other things.

Jaylah was simply furious, she went back to her caravan, slammed the script, sat on top of the sofa and looked blue.

Tia saw the situation, and quickly comforted: "Jaylah, you do not care so much, anyway, you are the lead actress in this drama, as long as you play your part, everything else will be fine, you say so, right?"

"But, Tia, don't you think it's strange? I've been in a few productions, I know the shooting schedule very well, I've never seen this kind of not shooting the male lead scene, this I have so many scenes with him, he has not come to shoot, later is trying to exhaust me?" Jaylah said angrily.

"Just listen to me, don't bother so much." Tia reassured to, "You should know that you are about to burst into the limelight, this one word, you have to pay attention to, maybe one day because of your a micro-expression will become your black material, the loss is not worth it."

Jaylah was kind of reminded by Tia's comment.

Indeed, she cannot disregard her image; on the contrary, she has to be very considerate of her image.

Especially now during this critical period of cooperation with Indesit Jewelry.

Whether or not she can turn the tide is also dependent on Indesit Jewelry, so this opportunity is crucial for her, and she cannot put the cart before the horse.

With Tia's comfort Jaylah's mood smoothed out.

It's just that the thought of Mikayla wanting August's autograph gave her a huge headache.

Jaylah has never been able to do anything about this Mikayla.

It is rare for her to ask for an autographed photo with herself, and it would be a shame if she could not do it herself.

Jaylah can't afford to be ashamed of this.

So Jaylah said to Tia, "Tia, since August is not coming to the set, you can think of a way to get me an autographed picture of him."

Tia asked curiously, "What do you need this for?"

Her heart head instantly alarmed, Jaylah so concerned about August, should not be for August have interest in it.

Just because August doesn't come to the show, Jaylah can be so angry.

The more Tia thought about it, the more it became so.

He was about to say something to persuade Jaylah to prioritize his assets now and to keep his feelings to himself, even if he was interested in August.

I heard Jaylah say, "My family Mikayla, a fan of his, asked me for his autographed photo, no, I wanted to go to him for an autograph, but, he did not come today, you say I can not be angry."

With that, Jaylah's anger bubbled up again.


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