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Hell Hounds novel Chapter 62

Yolanda settled into the bunkhouse with the others going on the mission with her. The dragons went on ahead of them just moments before. For safety, they would rest in a different location. If the Fae located them within the Dream Realm, the Fae could shift realms and find their bodies. She found it difficult to settle down to shift her consciousness into the Dream Realm because her mind kept going to Ian and his safety.

Eventually, she faded into the Dream Realm with her team around her. It took them only a few minutes to locate the location where they’d meet the Dragons to receive the device.

“Thank you, Gorm. We’ll take it from here.”

“I still don’t understand why they are complicating this so much. We are acting like cowards.”

“No, actually, you aren’t acting like cowards. You’re part of a team and you are, as the humans say, the get out of jail free card. That means when we exhaust all avenues, you’ll come in and save us from certain destruction. You don’t understand how much I appreciate you, and knowing I have you as my back up eases my mind greatly.” This was the problem with the Dragons. They lived in an old world mentality, where they only saw battle as the only honourable way. They saw survival as an after thought. Yolanda believed this probably led to their small population. Times changed and they didn’t change with it. They weren’t stupid. Just set in their ways.

“I don’t know about that. It feels underhanded and not honourable.”

“We’re combating the Fae. Very few can be considered honourable, and many of those honourable ones have a list of rules that are flexible. You will not lose any honour in anyone’s eyes. My respect for you and yours will never falter.”

Gorm looked choked up and only nodded to Yolanda before the three dragons moved off to find shelter. They would stay far away from the radius of the bomb’s explosion. Yolanda and her team shifted into their wolves. Then with the device’s harness in Yolanda’s mouth they made their way carefully through the grey landscape. It’s colours muted and shadowy in the creepy lighting.

Yolanda could never get past the lack of a moon within the sky and the fact that it appeared to always be a spooky night. The confusion of buildings from now and then appearing within the landscape threw so many off that they avoided entering the Dream Realm unless there’s need for them there. Yolanda was one of them. Graves, destroyed buildings, trees were that were chopped down decades ago still dotted this landscape. That in and of itself made it difficult to maneuver through space. If one didn’t know the local history that person could become lost.

They ran through the landscape toward the place the Fae congregated in. The need to avoid three groups of roving nightmare creatures hunting for their next victim, added anxiety to the pressing nature of the mission.

It began to get harder to move unseen into their midst. They must wait for the distraction to occur and draw the Fae into the other realm. She wondered how long it would take the distraction to happen, because the longer they were there the greater the chance they’d be spotted by a Fae or attacked by one of the shadowy creatures of the Dream Realm.

Chapter 62: Into the Thick of It 1

Chapter 62: Into the Thick of It 2


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