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Her possessive alpha novel Chapter 33

  The walk


  Ava heard a subtle knock on her door.

  “Come in,” she responded weakly. She’s been in bed for two days now, two whole days. She’s taken some medicines and now she’s feeling better but the guards won’t let her go anywhere, not even for a walk.

  “We’re sorry Ava, but it was the alpha’s orders, he believes someone that lives here is trying to kill you, and until he finds out, you’re not allowed to leave this room.”

  Nani told her all about the lakes barbed wire and the sabotage yesterday, why would someone do something like that to her? She’d barely been here for a week and now she already has enemies? This was too much to take in. Having nowhere to go, she’d stayed in her room sleeping the time away. She slept and slept to the extent that she even got tired of sleeping. It was the knock on her door that just woke her up, and she opened her eyes to see who it was.

  It was Nani, and she was holding her tray containing her dinner and beaming a smile in her direction.

  “Good to see you’re looking way better dear! The blood has returned to your face.”

  “It’s all thanks to you, Nani Rosalyn.”

  “And thanks to my powerful medicines too, the ones you don’t like taking,” Nani squeezed her face and scolded.

  “But Nani, they’re so bitter!”

  “They’re not meant to taste good dear; their job is to heal.”

  “I hope you didn’t bring them today.”

  “I did, and you’re going to eat them whether you like it or not.”

  “Please, can’t I just skip this one? I’ve eaten all others and now it feels as if my mouth wants to fall off.”

  “You can’t skip anyone dear, but don’t worry, there’s a reward if you finish your food this time around.”

  “Really, what is it?”

  “I’ll take you out for a walk, I’ve spoken with master, and he’ll allow it only if I accompany you, I know how bored you’ve been getting since the incident.”


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