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Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years novel Chapter 96

Chapter 96 She Looked So Beautiful in That Gown

After returning home, Bethany lay on her bed and occasionally touched her lips, unable to control the slight curl of her mouth.

"Beth, you're awake, aren't you? But why do you look like you're having a wet dream?" Shayla walked in and asked with a serious tone when she saw this.

"You little brat, it seems like you've become more outspoken lately. What does a child like you know about wet dreams?" Bethany noticed that Shayla had talked dirty frequently these days.

"I'm not a three-year-old kid, so, of course, I know this," Shayla replied. "In soap operas, girls in love would snicker as you did just now."

Did she snicker like those in love? Really?

"Go do your homework quickly, I'm going to sleep," Bethany directly asked Shayla to leave, fearing that if the talk continued, she would feel guilty and blush. She turned over and pulled up the blanket to cover her head.

Shayla had no choice but to leave her bedroom. She kindly closed the door for her. As she walked out, she bumped into Damion. She smirked like a little adult and said, "They must be in love this time. I'm going to become the daughter of a billionaire. It still feels like a dream."

"Yeah, you'll be a little princess then. If you like money, I can ask your Daddy to give you all of his money," Damion said happily without thinking.

Shayla twitched her lips and sarcastically remarked, "Tyrone, are you out of your mind? Although Daddy is good to us, he has a biological son. Of course, he would leave his inheritance to his son. You spoke like you were his son Damion."

Damion was lost for words.

"By the way, when we were in the car, I heard from Daddy that there would be a banquet tomorrow night. There must be a lot of delicious food at this kind of event. I really want to attend the banquet!" Shayla exclaimed.

Damion had also heard it. However, as everyone in his father's company knew him, there would be a ghastly consequence if he came to the banquet as "Tyrone Hamilton".

"Shayla, banquets like that are crowded and chaotic. Kids like us should not go there," Damion tried to persuade her.

"But I've never gone to such a grand occasion before. I want to have a look," Shayla insisted.

"It's inappropriate for kids like us to attend formal events like that," Damion tried to appease Shyla when seeing the latter was a bit angry. "How about this? To make it up to you, I'll take you out for shopping right now. You can buy whatever you want."

"Really?" Shayla asked. "Can I buy anything I want to buy and eat any kinds of food I want to eat?"

"Of course!" Damion replied.

Shayla happily hugged Damion and kissed him on the cheek. "Tyrone, I love how generous and doting you are to your little sister."

Damion felt a bit embarrassed at the kiss yet meanwhile, he smiled very happily.


The next afternoon, Bethany heard the ringing of the doorbell as soon as she woke up from her nap. Upon hearing the sound, she immediately got up.

She thought it was Raymond, but it wasn't. It was two makeup artists, one of whom was carrying a box containing the gown that Raymond had specially ordered for Bethany for the banquet.

"Good day, Mrs. Zavala. We are the makeup artists arranged by Mr. Zavala. We've come to do your makeup in advance," one of them greeted.

Bethany hadn't expected this, but she had no choice but to comply obediently.

"Mrs. Zavala, you truly have natural beauty. You are a stunning beauty. In all my years as a makeup artist, I have never seen a woman as beautiful as you," the makeup artist praised Bethany when applying makeup to her face.

"Of course. My Mommy is a stunning beauty," Shayla chimed in.

"You little brat, always butting in," Bethany scolded her in a teasing tone.

"I'm stating the truth. You deserve to be called a stunning beauty. Kids should be honest," Shayla defended herself.

Upon hearing her childish words, one of the makeup artists smiled dotingly and praised, "Your daughter is so adorable. She has inherited both your and Mr. Zavala's excellent genes. She looks exactly like a doll, so beautiful."


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