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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 110

  1. Emily Got Sick

“Are they asleep yet?” Frank muttered from the door. His eyes looked teary as they wandered through the sky-colored room.

Tonight, he should be sitting there near the twins-reading a fairy tale or a technology article, instead of lamenting.

With languid steps, he turned to the next room. When his gaze fell on the fluffy blanket that Emily usually hugged, the pressure in his chest was no longer unbearable. His breath began to rumble and his hands. clenched into tight fists..

‘If only Isabel hadn’t messed up, the kids would still be laughing with me. Now, they won’t even look at me.”

With his eyes closed, Frank tried to calm the turmoil in his heart. At that moment, the phone in his pocket rang. Seeing his assistant’s name on the screen, he answered silently.

“Report, Sir. I’ve taken care of everything. The news will be published tomorrow, exactly at seven in the morning.”

That’s the time people go to work. They would listen to the radio in the car, browse social media on the commuter line, and see many large TVs in busy centers. The whole community would be in an


“Good,” Frank muttered in a low voice, “I don’t want any trouble.”

“Yes, Sir.”

However, just when the assistant was about to end the conversation, Kara’s voice was caught on his phone. “Jeremy, Jeremy….”

Frank could imagine his assistant turning around with wide eyes.



“What’s wrong, Miss Martin?”

“Emily. We need to get her to the hospital.”

Frank’s heart dropped to his stomach. “What happened?”

Even though the phone was no longer to his ear, Jeremy could hear that question. Swiftly, he handed the phone to Kara.

“Please explain what happened. I will order the guards to prepare then take Young Lady to the limousine.”

Kara nodded then returned to the room. After taking a deep breath, she greeted. “Frank…

“What’s wrong, Kara? What’s wrong with Emily?”

Holding the phone with her shoulder, Kara whispered. Her hands were busy putting some clothes into a tote bag. “Emily is not in good mood, today. She doesn’t want to eat. Earlier, I tried to talk to her, but she just cried and fell asleep. I hugged her for a long time, but I only realized she got a fever when I laid her on the bed.”

“Emily has a fever?”

Kara zipped up the bag then turned to face Louis. The toddler had ju pulled the thermometer from Emily’s mouth.

“Thirty-nine dot two C.”

“Thank you, Louis,” Kara said before turning off the thermometer and

placing it on the table. “It’s 39.2 degrees, Frank.”

“Gosh. Tell Jeremy to take you to my mansion.”

Kara, who was about to knock on her mother’s door, froze: “Not to the hospital?”

“I will call my personal doctor here. Emily will recover faster.”


K Kara furrowed her eyebrows. Just then, Jeremy came in and pointed

Lout the window. “We are ready. Shall we leave now?”

Without thinking, Kara sighed, “Yes, please take us to Frank’s


“You want to go back to Frank’s house?” Susan interrupted.

KuKara turned around. Her mother was looking at them with high arched eveyebrows. After handing the phone to Jeremy, she approached her.

Mom, Emily has a high fever. I wanted to take her to the hospital, but F Frank said he would call a personal doctor so Emily could recover fataster,” Kara explained carefully. Grimacing, she whispered, “You dodon’t mind, right?”

In instead of giving her blessing, Susan closed her mouth. Her gaze gagave Kara a warning that they shouldn’t be careless.

Emily is still angry with Frank. Are you sure you want to take care of hener at his house? What if her health gets worse?”

Katarsopondered for a moment. After a blink, she grabbed Susan’s arm. Sagoraront.hthink Frank is right. Emily could recover more the itanaisos of his personal doctor. She ever took care of me o s a great at doctor. If we go to the hospital, we know firsthand. patients haveve to wait in line.”

Susan lookob diet Kara intently. She didn’t know when the last tin saw those eyeyes was. Her bold daughter is finally back? Her dau who was alwaysys confident in what she believed?

“Okay, take guptbccare of yourselves, and don’t panic. Emily’s fe couldn’t be dangerousut Have you prepared the compress cloth?”


The corners of Katas lsplips turned up! Not yet. I was too confused jus


o not be confused. Problems will not be resolved with your mplicated thoughts.”


complicated emotion crept across Kara’s face in a brief silence.” in you come with us, Mom? I wouldn’t be at peace if I left you alone. re?”


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