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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 112

  1. Judging Frank

“How about you? Do you like that guy?” Susan looked at Louis. seriously.

“I can’t decide yet. He haven’t achieved all my points.”

Susan’s eyes suddenly narrowed. “What points?”

“I can only judge him if he has fulfilled three points. First, he has to break up with his girlfriend. Second, he has to prove that he and Mommy love each other. Third, he has to prove that his treatment of me and Emily is sincere.”

Susan blinked in amazement. Her grandson was indeed full of surprises. “Then let’s wait until those points are tested.”

Louis puffed out his cheeks then nodded. He understood that the

problem could not be resolved quickly. However, his furrowed brows still lingered.

“Grandma, may I ask again?”

Susan, who was just about to put down the comb, suddenly stopped

her movements. “Yes?”

“Does Grandma know Finnic?”

The shattering of glass rang in Susan’s ears. Whether it was a fragment of heart or memory, she wasn’t sure. It was the name she hated the most without Kara knowing.

“Why do you ask him, Louis?” Susan inquired, trying to restrain her facial expressions so as not to convey her feelings.

“We met him at a picnic on the beach. His name is Finnic Miller. I think Mommy knows him, but their relationship is suspicious. When

seen a ghost.”


Susan swallowed, but her mouth was too dry. Her voice threatened to crack. “Then, what did you do? You guys chatting?”

“I think it’s not chatting, but arguing. Grandma knows why we can meet him? That’s because his ball destroyed our sand castle. He didn’t want to apologize sincerely, so I didn’t return the ball. He even made fun of my hand. Luckily, Mister Harper stood up for us.”

Susan’s eyes widened. “Frank is defending you?”

“Yes!” Louis nodded firmly. “He bravely rebuked Finnic. But then, Mommy came. She asked us to forget Finnic’s mistake and return the ball. Of course we refused. Justice must be served.”

Suddenly, silence filled the air. Susan’s gaze wandered. “Kara met him again?” she sighed faintly.

“Grandma knows what happened next? He insulted Mommy. He said that Mommy was heartbroken and moved here to find a new man. I really don’t know exactly what it means. But I know that’s evil talk!”

Louis’ cheeks puffed up. His eyes were slightly angled upwards. Finnic’s reflection had annoyed him.

Meanwhile, Susan froze. The questions in her mind were too ma answer, until she chose the most appropriate for Louis. “Then, happened after that?”

“I don’t know,” Louis shrugged. “Because Emily and I were being nic Mister Harper invited us to go on a helicopter ride. He asked us to report to Jeremy. So Emily and I went first.”

Suddenly, Louis tilted his head forward. Raising a hand to his mouth, he whispered, “But even though I didn’t hear their conversation, I know Frank Harper was defending Mommy. He kept standing beside



mock Mommy anymore!”

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A second later, Louis’ eyes grew rounder. His voice became even more enthusiastic. “And when they came back to us, Finnic could only look at them with a frown. He must have been defeated by Mister Harper.”

After finishing the report, the toddler smiled proudly. His eyes. sparkled with anticipation. However, the grandmother remained silent.

‘Is that what made Kara melt? Frank already defended her from that guy?’-

After one long breath, Susan curled up her lips and stroked Louis’ cheek. “Thank you, My Grandson. Your information is very valuable. Looks like you have a knack for intelligence.”

Louis’ laughter suddenly boomed. “I’m talented at anything, Grandma.”

Susan laughed too. Feeling excited, she showered her grandson with kisses. Then, holding hands, they went to Emily’s room.


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