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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 116

  1. Rowan’s Anger

Rowan snorted. He didn’t care about the last two sentences.

“You wait here,” he said in a low but firm tone.

The guards nodded. As they were lined up at the side of the stairs, the old man walked upstairs with his assistant. After a few moments, Rowan slammed the door.

Inside, Frank was leaning against the table. His expression was flat with his hands tucked into his trouser pockets. Obviously, he already knew about his grandfather’s presence and was ready to welcome him.

“Good afternoon, Grandpa.”

Rowan swung her hand to Frank. In a blink of an eye, Frank’s head spun to match the blow. Reddish color appeared on his cheek.

“Where’s your brain, Frank? Are you planning to destroy your own future? Do you want Savior to be destroyed?”

Rowan’s voice boomed. His shoulders were shaking. However, instead of bowing, Frank let out a smile.

“The news came out because of Isabela’s actions. Why do you blan me?” He raised an eyebrow, seeming unperturbed by the slap.

“Stop playing dumb! You’re the one who spread that rumor to the media! You are deliberately ruining your future wife’s good name!”

“Then what should I do? I refused nicely, but my words fell on deaf ears. I don’t want to have a wife who behaves negatively like that, Grandpa. She will only be a bomb that’s going to destroy my

reputation anytime. Did Grandfather not take that far into account?”


Before Rowan could reply, Frank raised his finger. “And please take a note. It wasn’t me who ruined her good name, but her herself. If she behaved well, this commotion would never have happened and I

might have learned to love her.”

“Nonsense! Have you forgotten? His last name is Hall? She is the

bridge to expand our connection. You should bury that disgrace, not bring it to the surface!”

Rowan’s voice was getting louder. However, Frank still responded calmly.

“I wonder why Grandpa insists me on establishing relations with the Hall family? Haven’t they been proven to be weak? Look at how they handled this scandal. This news wouldn’t have had time to get out if they were really alert.”

“Frank Harper!” Rowan snapped echoingly. His face was very red. “I don’t want to hear anything more from you. Cut your game! This time, I won’t let you act again.”

Instead of closing his mouth, Frank smiled wider. “What do you want from me, Grandpa? Erase all the news about Isabela? But the whole world already knows. If I accept Isabela as my wife, I will be lab fool by everyone. Are you okay if Harper’s name is tarnished like

Rowan’s hands were clenched and shaking. He really wanted to his grandson. “Apologize to the Hall family! Confirm that the new wrong. Convince everyone that you and Isabela love each other. two have never betrayed and are loyal to each other.”

“You still want me to marry that girl?” Frank asked, more like a murmur. After a moment of silence, he laughed dryly. “Too bad, you’re late, Grandpa. I have already made a decision and it cannot be changed.”

Rowan’s breath suddenly hitched. He understood the meaning behind


Frank’s lips pursed. “I have published my response. Not many. Just a few sentences.”

The old man’s chest grew tighter. The twitching on his face became even more intense.


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