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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 118

118. Can’t Breathe

It’s about your grandfather and that big guy,” Louis whispered.

Frank’s smile suddenly faded. A bad feeling had crept out of his heart. “What’s wrong with them?”

After watching the door close tightly, Louis raised his hand next to his mouth. “I overheard them earlier. Your grandfather asked the big guy to poison someone, I think it’s Mommy.”

Frank’s heart immediately beat faster. His eyes trembled as he watched Louis. “You heard that? Then…, are you okay?”

“I’m fine, just a little disappointed. But I’m thankful Emily doesn’t know. Otherwise, she could get sick again. The Kind Grandfather turned out to be very evil. He’s like the witch who gave Snow White the poisoned apple.”

“Have you told anyone?” Frank held Louis’ uninjured arm. His eyes widened in alarm.

“I don’t want to tell Mommy or Grandma. They can be afraid and worried. So, I’m just letting you know.”

A faint sigh escaped Frank’s mouth. Between his worries, there admiration for the genius toddler. “Thank you, Buddy. I will incre the security in this house.”

“By the way, I know who was assigned to poison Mommy,” the toddle admitted innocently.


Once again, he leaned closer to Frank’s ear. “The servant who gave Mommy tea. We’re lucky I could stop her in time. The tea spilled and Mommy didn’t drink it.”


Frank’s eyes couldn’t open any wider. With an astonished look, he whispered, “Well done, Hero! You are really amazing. Now, will you help me? Make sure Mommy doesn’t eat anything suspicious.”

“Aye, Captain!” Louis put four fingers next to his eyebrows. After getting a reassuring nod and a rub on the back, he went to Emily’s room. His determination to look after Kara was firm. He was even willing not to sleep that day.

When dinner time arrived, they all gathered in the dining room. Thanks. to Louis, Emily’s sadness was no longer a big deal. She did not mind to leave her bedroom and meet Frank. However, she was still silent in front of him.

“Louis, do you like this menu?”

“Yeah! Everything looks cool and delicious. I’m sure Emily is happy too.”

Frank smiled slightly and nodded. Secretly, he glanced at the little girl. He didn’t dare disturb her.

“Please bring some dessert.”

In an instant, the servants came in, replacing the dirty plates with new ones. Louis’ eyes sparkled when he saw the car-shaped pudding in front of him. He was also happy to see that Emily was interested in the flower-shaped pudding on her own plate. However, when he saw the woman serving Kara, his lips curved downwards.

“What shape is Mommy’s pudding?” Louis asked, occasionally glancing at Frank. He wondered why Frank was acting normal. Did the CEO not believe his report?

“Star shape. What is it, Little Bee?”

Louis’ lips pursed. He looked at Susan and Frank’s plates. Their puddings were also shaped like flowers and cars, none of which were


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“Why does Mommy’s pudding different from ours? That’s not cool.”

Kara raised an eyebrow. “Do you want a star shape?”

“No. I want Mommy to get the same shape, either a flower or a car. Just give that pudding to her.” Louis pointed his finger.

The young servant gasped. While waving her hand, she shook her head stiffly. “No, Young Master. I couldn’t possibly dare.”

Frank secretly smiled. He saluted the toddler’s mindset. “There’s no need to be shy. Louis was kind enough to give it to you. Other servants can’t even have it. Please accept his kindness.”


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