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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 124

  1. Chapter 124

“I’I’m now a marketing manager. Remy is the head of the division, wwhile Jenny has been on the board of directors. Where do you work innow? It heard you became an SPG.”

KKars’s smile turned wry. Barry never spoke so curtly before. “I just got a a job in a big company,” she said flatly.

“Assan office girl?” said one of the women.

Wwindle the people in front of her laughed mockingly, Kara shook her heeedAAs a secretary.”

insisted of stopping, their laughter only got louder.

“Seric reisty? Which company will accept you?”


“With a scita a bad reputation, even being accepted as a janitor makes

you grantedafi

“Enough, Karera No need to brag. Just accept the fact that you can’t deceive us arivare.”

Without a word, karadook out a business card and placed

table. The name on the card was enough to create a moment


“Savior Group? Remyysish this card real?” Crystal whispered, point the paper she was retulicant to touch!

While the quietest man probbed Kara cleared her throat. “You can lo at the hologram or scan the QRoode”

Remy narrowed his eyes. After watatoning Kara for a moment, he

rested his elbows on the tableleWhat do you want, Kara? You come

to brag?”


Crystal interjected sarcastically, “Do you think we’ll be impressed by your accomplishments? Do not expect! You’re used to dirty methods. Gaining a position by seduction is not something you can be proud

  1. What a shame!”

Kara tried to smile, but her heart ached too much. Putting the card back in her bag, she said, “I actually come here to fix our relationship. I miss my old friends. But apparently, you still believe in slander.”

Her voice was so low. If the music were a little louder, no ears would

be able to catch it.

“Oh! Save the charade, Kara. We’ve had enough.”

“But I speak the truth. That is slander!” Kara looked at Barry with teary eyes. Her emotional wounds were clearly visible there. Then, she looked deeply at them one by one.

“Haven’t we known each other for a long time? But why do you believe the fake news more than your friends? The video only showed a man walking me to the room. Did you see the door closed? Or do you see us doing something else? No, right? Or perhaps, you guys never considered me a friend?”

Silence froze the air again. Some of them sneered in their he while the rest snorted openly.

Suddenly, Kara turned her sharp gaze to Jenny. The girl spontaneously glanced in another direction. Her jaws locked th

“And you Jenny … you were the one who invited me and Mr. Rolla to celebrate our team’s success at the bar. You were there with u and you knew that I wasn’t feeling well that night. Is it possible that did something like that in an unhealthy state? Why did you choose to remain silent and instead add spice when the slander spread?”

Jenny’s breath turned heavy. When she couldn’t hold the pressure any


longer, and pounce Lawl


pretended to be sick to seduce him. What is impossible for a greedy ambitious person like you? You even dared to seduce our CEO to move up to the position of manager. You think we don’t know?”

Kara sighed in disbelief. The co-worker she once thought was her best friend, turned out to have such petty thoughts about her.

“What if the news is not true? You dare kneel to apologize in front of me?” she challenged painfully.

“What for? Do you think it would hurt me to lose a friend like you?” Jenny brought her cynical smile closer to Kara’s eyes. “I’m actually grateful that you’re out of my life.”

Kara’s hands were clenched tightly to hold back her anger. She realized that her visit was not for Jenny.

“OK! I am also grateful that God removed fake people from my life.”

After raising her eyebrows, Kara turned around and walked again. She no longer hesitated to approach Finnic. In her mind, she just wanted to quickly complete the mission.


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