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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 126

  1. The Person Who Framed Kara

After a moment’s pause, the figure in the video continued, “I received payment from a girl. She asked me to put two kinds of liquids in her friends’ drinks.”

People who knew about this incident immediately looked at Jenny. The girl had turned pale, not breathing or moving at all. Only her eyes were turning to and fro, studying the situation.

“Yes, that girl is from Miller’s marketing team. I remember very well, she said she wanted to teach her arrogant friend a lesson. I think she’s jealous of Kara Martin. She said she wanted to see her fall because she was more worthy of being in that position. Could it be about the position in their office? I don’t understand either.

A second later, the video stopped. All eyes were waiting for Frank’s response. The man smiled slightly. “Do you think this video is made. up? Want me to call that bartender right away?”

Sophia sighed in disbelief. She didn’t expect the party to turn into an interrogation room. However, she couldn’t possibly stop it The matter was too complicated.

“Jenny?” Finnic broke the silence. His eyes had narrowe standing near the row of high tables. “Weren’t you the with them that day?”

Jenny swallowed hard. Cold sweat had forced its way out of h pores. “I….”

“Why are you stuttering like that? Did you really do it?” Crystal inquired with round eyes.

“I remember, you were the one who sent the video in the group conversation. Where did you get it from?” Barry continued, makin



Jemy cp vuun.

“No! That’s not me! Really not me!”

Remy suddenly snorted. “Gosh, I should not be provoked by your words.”

Hearing the statement from the mouth of the person she loved, Jenny’s tears began to well up. “It is not like that! I actually didn’t mean to trap Kara. Yes, I do envy her. But I’m not that evil. I had no other choice. I couldn’t possibly dare disobey Mrs. Miller’s orders.”

Everyone gasped in unison. Their gazes turned to the middle-aged woman who was frozen with her face turning white.

“Mom, is that true?” Finnic’s eyes filled with tears. His chest rose a fell to match the heat in his lungs.


“N-no, Darling. How could I be that evil?” Melissa started to panic. Moreover, her son had averted his eyes, reluctant to look at her again.

Frank smiled faintly at the seeds of conflict. However, feeling a vibration in the back she was embracing, he glanced to the side. ” Kara, are you okay?”

The girl let out a faint sigh. “Now I understand. That happened because Mrs. Miller did not approve of her son being with me.”

Frank nodded slightly. While rubbing Kara’s arm, he brought his gaze to Sophia. However, just as he was about to apologize and leave, the sound of applause came from the stairs.

“Great! This is really really great!” Isabela appeared in a red dress. Her cynical gaze was fixed on Kara. “It turns out you specialize in snatching other people’s partners, huh? Now it all makes sense. Frank set up a scenario to kick me out because of you.”

Several people started holding their heads, including Sophia. There were too many surprises at the party. She could no longer imagine



Meanwhile, Kara forgot to breathe. Her hand gripped her lover’s shirt.”


Isabela’s arrival was completely unexpected. Frank could understand if Kara was worried. “Don’t be afraid. We’ll definitely get through this,” he whispered before turning to greet Isabela.


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