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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 129

  1. Will You Marry Me?

Kara’s eyes narrowed as she got a hunch. “You couldn’t possibly do that crazy thing now, right?”

Frank’s lips curled up unexpectedly. “Being crazy about you is my

form of sanity. You are the best woman in my life, Kara Martin.”

Just as the man finished speaking, hundreds of drones shot into the air. Red light suddenly lit up the night sky. Everyone looked up, including Kara.

“What’s that?” she sighed, turning to face the direction the ship was going.

“It looks like a drone show,” Frank said vaguely. “Have you seen it


Kara shook her head. Her eyes sparkled watching how the flying lights turned yellow, then moved to form a lemon. “This is a new thing to me. I never know this can be very beautiful.”

Frank secretly smiled. Standing next to Kara, he also looked up. “Th enjoy it.”

Kara no longer thought about the conversation. Her attention wa fully focused on the lemon that had just been cut in half. The seeds then turned into green and slowly grew bigger. However, when the tree made fruit, it was not lemons that appeared, but hearts.

“It’s such a sweet show. If the twins were here, they would be very happy.”

Frank watched Kara’s happy face with a shady look. Smiling, he nodded. “You like it?”

“Yes,” Kara answered without turning around. A second later, her

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getting bigger! And it’s three-dimensional. Wow, the designer of this show is truly genius and artistic.”

Frank pressed his bottom lip and shrugged his shoulders. Without commenting, he rubbed Kara’s back so she wouldn’t get cold.

A moment later, the drones no longer formed a heart. They scattered into several pieces, like flying rose petals. Slowly, their formation became further apart and some lights turned off as if it was

disintegrating in the air.

Kara blinked waiting for them to appear again. “Is the show over?”

Suddenly, some of the drones light up again, forming a jeweled ring. While the formation was rotating, an inscription appeared on it. “Kara


Everyone stared and gasped in amazement. Some spontaneously turned to the upper balcony, where Kara gasped.

“Frank? It’s you?” Kara whispered with sparkling eyes. Her emotions were hard to describe.

At that moment, Frank took two steps away from Kara. After reachin into his trouser pocket, he lowered one knee and grabbed her finger

“Kara Martin,” he said as if reading the writing in the sky. Suddenly hundreds of drones lit up the sky again. The arrangement depicted a question. “Will you marry me?”

In an instant, loud applause filled the party. Everyone cheered for Kara to accept the proposal.

Kara couldn’t contain her emotion anymore. Biting her lip, she looked at the sincere face of the man in front of her. “Where did you learn to make a proposal this romantic?”

“From Louis and Jeremy,” he said before taking a deep breath and


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“Kara Martin, I know we haven’t had the blessing of my children and grandfather. But, it can catch up. Now most importantly, I want to know how you feel about me. Are you willing to give me the opportunity to be the best husband for you?”

Frank showed a diamond ring. Her smile was nervous and full of hope.

Kara looked up, holding back the tears so they wouldn’t escape her eyes. After suppressing the turbulent emotions, she met Frank’s eyes. “Yes, I do.”


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