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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 140

Chapter 140 It's Not That Easy
"Frankie, why didn't you tell me? I'm so grateful you're safe."

Emily widened her eyes. After one blink, her cheeks puffed up and her brows furrowed. She let go of Frank's hand, then pushed the woman away.

"Sorry, Madam. You can't just hug anyone. Daddy is mine and Mommy's. Only we can hug him."

As the others got stunned, Louis chuckled, shaking his head. "Emily, don't you remember who she is?"

The little girl blinked. Her expression turned confused. "Who?"

"She's the doctor who treated you yesterday, Daddy's best friend. She also treated Mommy."

Emily's lips suddenly rounded. "Oh ...."

Slowly, she looked up. Frank was smiling, while the woman she had just pushed away shook her head in exasperation.

"Hello, Emily. Sorry, I didn't know you'd be mad about me hugging your dad. I'm just too happy he's safe."

Leaning closer to Frank, Emily smiled awkwardly. "Sorry, Doctor. I thought you were Daddy's fan."

"It's okay. If Frank was my dad, I would do so. You did great job, Emily."

After stroking the toddler's chubby cheek, Wela turned to her best friend. "So, why didn't you tell me? My brain was sluggish because I was worried about you. Luckily, our staff reported your arrival. Rony and I immediately rushed here."

"I'm too focused on my little family and someone. I even forgot I was missing yesterday," Frank answered as he got out of the elevator. Others followed his steps.

"Is that someone your grandfather? I heard he's getting better. What are you worried about?" Wela raised an eyebrow.

Frank sighed faintly. "Yes, his physique has improved, but his thinking hasn't."

Wela snorted slightly. She understood Frank's feelings. However, just as she was about to express her sympathy, another voice came on the air, "Frankie ...."

They looked to the side. A man was approaching with hasty steps. Without warning, he gave Frank a hug.

"Glad you're back. Are you okay?"

Instead of smiling, Frank grimaced. "You hurt my shoulder."

The twins stared wide eyed. Quickly, they pushed the man.

"Please step back, Sir! Our Daddy is in pain. Can't you see his arm is in a sling?"

Laughing, Wela pulled the man to her side. "Louis, Emily, let me introduce him. This is my husband, Rony. He is also your father's best friend."

"If he's a friend, why hurt Daddy? He should be more careful."

Hearing Emily's anxiety, Frank chuckled. "Thank you, Kids. You protect me well. My friends are a bit rude. Please keep an eye on them."

"Aye, Captain!"

Watching the toddlers' respectful gestures, Rony and Wela laughed together.

"So it's true. They are really adorable," Rony said.

"Should we make one now? I think it's time we divided our focus so we don't always think about work," Wela whispered, inviting Frank's glance.

"Sorry, Doctors. Can you be any wiser? My children are here."

Rony snorted faintly. "It wouldn't be Wela if she didn't speak her mind. So," he smiled at the twins, "Louis, Emily, nice to meet you."

"It’s nice to meet you too as long as you're more careful, Sir," Emily replied, so adorable.

After rubbing her chubby cheek, Rony glanced at Frank. "Where's their mother?"

"Mommy is in the car, discussing an important project," Louis answered with a serious expression.


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