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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 144

Chapter 144 Happiest Day In History
"Do you think Isabela is more suitable to be with Frank and be the mother of my children?" Kara sounded annoyed.

"Oh, definitely not. She’s a failure. It's too risky to bring her into the Harper family. I'll find another woman much classier than you for my grandson."

Kara laughed bitterly. Her head shook in disbelief. "What makes you hate me so much? Is it because I'm not as rich as you?"

"You're not only poor, but you also don't have talent, a big name, or a future. What will our company become if you are Mrs. Harper? Instead of bringing Savior to the top, you will become a burden. Your existence is nothing more than the dirt on Harper and Savior's good names."

"What if your assumption is wrong? What if I can prove that my contribution to the Savior is also useful? What if I can make Harper's name even more prominent?"

Rowan snorted quickly. The insult was so thick in the vibrations of his laughter. "You are very narcissistic, apparently. Be careful, Miss Martin. People who they are much better than reality will end up ridiculed."

Kara snorted back dismissively. She was sick of being underestimated. "What ridicule? Like the ones circulating on social media or those around this theme park? I'm not stupid, Sir. It was all your deed. The ridicule is not real. Now, I'm even more confident in myself."

Before Rowan could argue, Kara interrupted, "You sent a lot of people to attack me. Doesn't it mean I'm a tough opponent? I'm not easy to beat."

Silence fell. Kara could imagine how the old man clenched his jaw or closed his eyes to catch his breath.

"Mr. Harper, I hope you realize. Wealth and power are not the right benchmarks for judging someone's personality."

Once again, Kara took a deep breath. Her eyes were now sparkling and her fists were firmer. "Yes, my background doesn't support me. But I'm sure that what I have can make you proud. Please give me time to prove it. Besides, if I'm not worthy, is it possible for me to give birth to children as great as the twins?"

"You ...."

"Sorry, Sir. For the sake of your health, let's just end this conversation. Get some rest. Tomorrow is the twins' birthday. They still expect your presence and change. Good evening."

Kara hung up and turned her phone over on the table. Her chest rose and fell to match her breathing. In her entire life, she had never voiced her confidence so openly.

"Good job, Kara. You did the right thing." She patted her own shoulder.

Suddenly, the sound of applause came from the side. When she turned her head, the twins' smiles greeted her.

"Mommy is very cool!"

"Yes, when I grow up, I want to be a woman as brave as Mommy. We have to believe in ourselves. Other people's opinions are not important."

Kara widened her eyes before letting out a laugh. Her heart turned warm to see the twinkle in the eyes of the three people she loved.

"Since when have you been here?" Kara sighed with emotion.

"Since we’ve finished buying ice cream." Emily showed the contents of the cup in her hand.

"And since Mommy said that wealth and power are not benchmarks blah blah blah," Louis continued with adorable head gestures.

Kara laughed again. After turning around in her sitting position, she stretched out her arms. "Do you want to hug Mommy? Mommy needs strength."

The twins quickly put the ice cream on the table and then rushed to their mother. Their joy thrilled Frank. Smiling faintly, he joined in the hug.

"Oh, I'm squeezed," Emily squeaked as she adjusted her headband.

Frank and Kara laughed again. Together, they showered the twins with kisses. The people watching involuntarily curled up the corners of their lips, including the women who momentarily forgot about their acting duties.

The happy family only let go of their embrace when their order arrived. As they saw the trolley brought by the waiter, Louis and Emily widened their eyes.


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