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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 147

Chapter 147 The Deal Is Over
The twins shrugged their shoulders. "We didn't say that. We’re just wondering why you’re scolding our Daddy. Is your child Frank Harper or Isabela?"

Suddenly, Vincent moved from his position. Straightening his suit, he cleared his throat. "Sara, let's go home."

Sara's eyes widened. "But ...."

"I don't think there's anything more to discuss. The deal with the Harper family is over."

Frank smiled crookedly. Again, the twins provide a solution to his problem.

"Our lines of business are different, Mister Hall. But if there is a project we can work on together, let's talk again another time," Frank nodded politely.

Vincent looked at Frank without emotion. After a moment of silence, he held out his hand. "Congratulations, Frank. You're still young. But I think you're much better at raising children."

Sara sighed in disbelief. Before she could interrupt, Frank shook Vincent’s hand.

"Are we officially at peace?" Emily asked in her sweet voice.

Vincent shifted his gaze. The corners of his lips turned up slightly. "Yes."

"Hooray!" the twins exclaimed at the same time. "We did it!"

Louis put the phone on the table for doing high-five with Emily. Only then did Sara and Vincent find the dark phone screen.

"You ... didn't record?"

Louis chuckled. "I didn't have time to look for the camera icon earlier. So, I just pretended. Sorry for tricking you, Madam."

Everyone sighed in disbelief. They were amazed by the toddler's intelligence.

"What are your names, Kids?" Vincent asked warmly.

"I'm Louis and my sister is Emily."

Vincent nodded faintly. "Because you two are so smart, do you have any suggestions for how my family can solve Isabela's problem?"

Louis and Emily looked at each other. After a moment of silence, Emily looked up. "Every time we make a mistake, we will apologize and admit we’re wrong. Then, we promise not to do it again."

"Then Mommy won't be angry anymore. Everything will return to normal. Maybe Isabela also needs to apologize and make a promise?"

Vincent smiled slightly. "Thank you. You are truly extraordinary."

The twins smiled broadly. Moreover, Kara and Frank looked at them proudly.

"Mommy, may we invite Mr. and Mrs. Hall to the party tonight? They're our friends now."

"What party?" Sara asked curtly. She still didn't accept being advised by toddlers.

"Our birthday party, Madam. It's at Daddy's house."

"Today is your birthday?" Vincent raised an eyebrow. "It's a shame, we already have an agenda. But as a gift ... please accept this."

He took out a business card and wrote down a few words. As soon as he received it, Louis read, "Unlimited free voucher."

Emily also looked at the business card. In an instant, her eyes widened. "Choco Hall Chocolate Factory?"

"Yes, one of our businesses is consumer goods. We produce our own chocolate."

The twins cheered happily. They pranced while spinning in place.

"Woohoo! Another one of our wishes will come true."

"Yes! Today is the happiest day. Thank you, Mister Hall. We hope you are happy too."

While Vincent snorted a smile, Frank reached for Kara's shoulder and rubbed it. No words needed to be said. The couple were both moved and informed. Tonight's party should go smoothly.



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