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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 15

  1. Serve Me Tonight

As soon as they saw Kara’s new appearance, everyone’s eyes widened. Previously, Kara wore a loose blouse. No one knew that she had the perfect body like a supermodel.

Now, with a tight shirt and almost undone buttons, it wasn’t just her curves that were visible. Her sexiness almost blinded everyone’s eyes. Even the female manager was amazed by her. The guards failed to control their gaze and Frank Harper involuntarily swallowed hard.

“You think I can judge the prototype with you cover it like that? Put your hands down!”

Kara lowered her head even deeper. Her cheeks and eyes were red. She knew that Frank intended to avenge yesterday’s embarrassing incident. However, she did not expect that the man would have the

heart to abuse her.

Seeing Kara transformed into a statue, Frank furrowed his brows. It was hard to believe that Kara still had the guts to refute

“Why don’t you move? Do you want me to cut your salary?”

Kara took a deep breath. Her tears were hanging on her eyes. If it weren’t for the twins, she would have thrown the CEO with a shoe.

“Sorry, Sir. Isn’t your goal to test this prototype? How can you judge the quality when its size doesn’t fit me?”

Frank let out a quick sigh. While suppressing his irritation, he approached Kara and whispered, “You are not only a useless

secretary, but also an insolent servant, hmm? Follow my orders or I’ll deduct your next month’s salary.”

Kara’s breath started to rumble. Her hatred for the Pervert Demon had



Like it or not, Kara had to show her smooth skin peeking through the gap between the buttons.

Frank smiled evilly. “I thought you were different from other girls because of that big mouth of yours. Apparently, you are also willing. to use your body for benefit?”

Kara peeked out of the corner of her eyes. Her gaze was cold and sad. Her lips trembled with anger. However, the image of the twins. dampened her emotions.

“Not everyone is as lucky as you, Sir. Small people like me often have no choice to survive. We don’t even dare hope that great people like you have the slightest heart to be less cruel.”

Kara’s trembling voice stunned Frank. He realized that the emotions radiating from that helpless face were real. He had succeeded in giving Kara the punishment she deserved-extraordinary shame.

But strangely, he was reluctant to move. His body still protected the girl from the fierce gazes of the guards.

“You think I’m cruel?” Frank raised an eyebrow.

Kara didn’t answer. She kept looking at the CEO with hatred. When the man brought his lips to her ear, she didn’t even move.

“Do I need to show true cruelty? How about I ask you to serve me in bed? I can double your salary as much as you want.”

Kara’s chest suddenly tightened. Images of four years ago clouded

her mind.

Frank Harper was the devil who destroyed her life. Now, the man wanted to crush what was left? Why did God bring such a cruel

creature into her life?

“Aren’t you allergic to touching girls like me?” Kara replied in a shaky

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Smiling crookedly, Frank noticed the clothes that had merged with his secretary’s body.


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