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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 163

Chapter 163 The Twins
Several weeks had passed. A limousine arrived in front of the Savior building. The camera flash was immediately blinding. While the security officers stopped the journalists from approaching, the bodyguards from other cars moved quickly around the limousine.

When the door opened, Frank and Kara came out gracefully. Behind them, two toddlers wearing sunglasses followed. The journalists immediately competed to raise their hands. Frank pointed to the fastest.

"Mr. Louis, Miss Emily, this is your first Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. How do you feel?"

While Emily widened her smile, Louis looked at the cameras one by one. The journalists instantly fell silent, preparing to record the toddlers' answer.

"Of course we are happy. Emily and I have been looking forward to this AGM for a long time. This is the day where we can prove that Great Grandpa was not wrong in putting his trust in us."

Several journalists raised their hands again. Frank chose one.

"Does it mean you are ready to use your voting rights at this AGM?"

Louis shook his head firmly. "No. Emily and I realize that we are still too young. There are a lot of things we don't know about business and companies. We still have a lot to learn. Therefore, we plan to just listen."

"Even so," Emily continued, making the camera focus shift towards her, "we will also closely observe the company's financial reports and developments. If there is an opinion that needs to be given, we will speak up."

The journalists were amazed to hear the wise answer.

"Aren't you afraid of being ridiculed by other members who are much older and more experienced?"

The twins shook their heads together. "No. Mommy said as long as we convey our opinions politely following the rules, people will listen."

"Is it your mother who told you to just listen?" A journalist asked spontaneously.

The two toddlers shook their heads again.

"No. That was the result of a discussion between Emily and me. We are the future leaders of the Savior Group. Of course we want the best for this company."

Suddenly, the twins' watches beeped. After tapping it twice, they grabbed the hands of their parents standing on their respective sides.

"Sorry, because our time is limited, we have to excuse ourselves. See you another day."

As Louis nodded, the journalists immediately poured in the questions. Meanwhile, the cameraman was busy highlighting the calmness of the twins while walking. The two toddlers seemed used to being the center of attention. Their gestures looked natural and relaxed.

"Mommy, did I do well?" Louis asked as they entered the lobby.

Kara smiled warmly. "Yeah, you did great. Emily too. You guys are so cool."

Emily stared wide eyed. "Me too? I just completed Louis' answer once, Mommy. I will only show my speaking skills if there’s another attack from journalists. Louis and I agreed to take turns being the main source."

Frank and Kara glanced at each other. Laughter escaped their lips.

"That's a good strategy," Frank said softly. "Later in the meeting room, you will also apply that?"

"Yes, Daddy. Louis and I will talk in turn."

"Yeah! Daddy doesn't need to worry."

Frank smiled proudly. He liked the twins' self-confidence. It was like they were born to be famous.

As it turned out, Frank's hunch was right. In just a short time, the twins appeared on the covers of several business magazines. The netizens were busy discussing them. As time went by, the number of Louis and Emily’s fans increased dramatically. In fact, on their first day of school, many people lined up outside the fence, waiting for their presence.

"We have arrived!" Louis exclaimed as he looked out of the window. "There are many people outside."


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