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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 165

Chapter 165 Amazing Wedding Venue
The twins looked at Frank in unison. “What is it, Daddy?”

"Mommy and Daddy have agreed not to postpone the wedding any longer."

Instead of being happy, the twins' eyebrows furrowed.

"But, Daddy ..., Mommy's wedding dress is still in progress." Emily looked worried.

“And Daddy hasn't passed the test. There's still one point on the wish list that Daddy hasn't fulfilled yet," Louis continued with pursed lips.

Kara smiled faintly. She was curious about Frank's way of dealing with the twins.

"That’s what Daddy wants to discuss with you. About taking Mommy on holiday, can Daddy shift the time to after the wedding?" Frank looked at Louis expectantly.

"That's called a honeymoon, Daddy, not a holiday," Louis shook his head like an adult. "But if Daddy wants to do it later, that's fine. I don't have to watch Daddy anymore. Let's assume Daddy has completed all stages.”

Frank's eyes widened. His lips escaped a sigh of laughter. "You're serious?"

Louis nodded. "Yes."

Feeling excited, Frank kissed his son's chubby cheek repeatedly. “Thank you, Buddy. You are very cool.”

Then, with fervent enthusiasm, he turned to Emily. "Princess, when will you finish making Mommy's wedding dress?"

The toddler raised his eyebrows. “Maybe in two weeks. Three weeks at the latest. Daddy’s outfit can be earlier than that.”

Frank let out another sigh of relief. "Then do you agree if Mommy and Daddy get married next month?"

Louis and Emily nodded.

"Does Daddy have a concept yet?"

"Where will Mommy and Daddy get married?"

Frank pulled the twins closer to his ear. While he was whispering, the two toddlers giggled in amusement.

"Okay, I agree," Louis said while scratching his ear.

"Yeah, me too. Mommy would love it. That's a brilliant idea!" Emily nodded with sparkling eyes.

Witnessing the twins' enthusiasm, Kara narrowed her eyes. "What's the plan?"

Unexpectedly, Louis raised his palm. "Sorry, Mommy. Daddy wants us to keep it a secret. It will be a surprise when Mommy takes pre-wedding photos there."

"Yes, Mommy. Mommy just need to focus on Mommy’s project. Let us take care of the wedding."

Kara sighed in disbelief. She didn't want to give up yet. "Is the event at the beach? At a garden? Or a forest?" She listed the possible answers.

Louis and Emily laughed again. "Mommy, it's no use guessing. Mommy will only find the answer next Saturday."

"Yeah, when we get back to having fun!"

Kara pursed her lips, pretending to sulk. She suspected that the three people would not have the heart to let her be curious. But apparently, she was wrong. Even until the next Saturday, she still had to guess.

"Frank, Little Bees, where are we going? A private island? Mommy and Daddy can't possibly get married there, right?" Kara sighed as they arrived at the helicopter base.

The twins chuckled. "You'll see, Mommy."

A few minutes later, not only Kara was stunned, but also Louis and Emily. Beautiful mountains stretched before them. At one of the peaks, there was a very majestic stone-walled building.

"Is that the mansion we're going to?" Louis craned his neck. As his eyes were sparkling, his thumb was sticking high in the air. "It is very cool!"


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