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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 179

Chapter 179 S2| The Quarrel
Barbara clenched her fists. Her eyes were red with anger. However, Philip was not afraid. Instead, he gave her an innocent smile.

“Now, if you want to stay here in peace, behave yourself. I will call you Young Lady when you are fit in.”

Barbara's breath became louder. In her entire life, no one had ever insulted her like that. “I will report you to my mother. Let's see who should behave."

"You still want to report me even though the results are guaranteed to be nil?"

While Barbara fell silent, Philip nodded his head. "Okay. Just do what you want to do, and I will do what I want too. Say good bye to my help.”

Barbara gasped. She just remembered her original purpose of meeting Philip.

"If I don't report you, will you help me?" Barbara asked hesitantly as the man returned to his chair.

Philip glanced while holding back a smile. He didn't believe that the arrogant girl could soften that easy. “What do you need from me?”

Barbara looked away. Her lips were slightly forward. “Make me a portfolio.”

One of Philip's eyebrows rose. "Do you want to apply for a job?"

Barbara met his gaze. “My brother wants to consider which position is suitable for me at Savior. Can you or not?"

"Of course I can. Creating a portfolio is easy.”

Before Philip had time to speak at length, Barbara put her laptop on the table. "Good! Call me when you're done." Without further ado, she walked away.

"Wait!" Philip got up from the chair again. When Barbara turned around, Philip had his arms crossed.

“Do you know what a portfolio is?” he asked, testing.

Barbara avoided Philip's gaze again. “Information about a person's accomplishments,” she answered before returning her gaze.

“Then why did you leave your laptop with me? You think I know you? I don't even know your educational history and background. Do you want me to write freely?"

Barbara's lips pursed. Her eyebrows knitted together. She shouldn't ask for help from his brother's confidants.

“The documents are on my laptop. You just have to look for it."

Philip snorted a laugh. His head suddenly felt itchy. “Here’s the deal. I'll give you the important points. The rest, you can arrange it yourself."

Barbara snorted. Before she could comment, Philip raised his watch and narrowed his eyes.

“In half an hour, Young Master and Young Lady will wake up. If you need monitoring from me, you should immediately turn on the laptop. Tomorrow is a working day. There will be no chance for me to help you like this.”

Barbara grimaced slightly. While grumbling, she turned on the laptop.

Philip secretly smiled observing her movements. After giving the girl a guide, he sent a message to Frank.

“Report, Boss. Your guess is correct. Your half-sister is putting together a portfolio with me.”

Receiving no reply, Philip closed the chat box. He knew exactly what his master was doing in the room. Whether it's just a hallucination or whether it's true, the window glass in Frank's room was a little foggy. He suspected that the temperature inside was much hotter than outside.


Feeling tickled by the breath on her shoulder, Kara opened her eyes. Frank immediately greeted her with a sweet smile.

"Did I wake you up?" Frank stroked her arm.

Kara turned around. She glanced briefly at the wall clock and shook her head gently. "No. It's time to wake up. The twins have schedule for swimming class."


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